Agreed. When healthcare becomes a popularity contest (“Honey? Come look at these four sick people on Indiegogo. Help me decide which one should live.”) a society has really hit rock bottom.
Agreed. When healthcare becomes a popularity contest (“Honey? Come look at these four sick people on Indiegogo. Help me decide which one should live.”) a society has really hit rock bottom.
By all means “Fuck cancer”.
you know, if he’s willing to drive 100 miles to Austin, He’ll feel like he’s traveled 100 years into the future. After all, The University of Texas has phones and wifi and no one walks around in jodphurs singing silly fight songs and obsessively brushing collies.
That would actually be super valuable but because gawker is so left leaning it wouldn't get published. Which is a shame for a publication that is transitioning into being politically focused
LeBron: Hey buddy, I just want to say that I’m really impressed with how you’ve been able to overcome your disabilities and become a great athlete. It must have been tough man, and I’m proud of you for doing it.
What a teaching moment! That kid will ALWAYS remember that night he didn’t get paid for being in a shoe commercial.
Aside from just bagging on the guy you’re not so fond of, was there anything that any candidate said that you found insightful relative to our defense resrouces or strategies?
I give no shits about politics, however, you’re just using reductive reasoning to be outlandish and kick up some dust when you state:
This is so fucking stupid. 99% of the time people who complain about “gotcha journalism” are just idiots who can’t figure out the SUPER DUPER EASY WAYS not to say something stupid. If you want to be “brave,” the answer is “Donald Trump is a friend, but that doesn’t mean I endorse all of his policy positions or agree…
“Brady is friends with Trump and stated today that he supports his friend in everything he does; this presumably includes Trump stating publicly and clearly that he would like to ban Muslims from the United States. If this isn’t what he means, he should say as much. Perhaps an NFL reporter could ask him.”
I think it’s reasonable to say that Tom Brady (or anyone) can be friends with someone without needing to agree with literally every item that person stands for... you know... like how people do
Brady is friends with Trump and stated today that he supports his friend in everything he does; this presumably includes Trump stating publicly and clearly that he would like to ban Muslims from the United States.
It’s nearly impossible to make out what exactly is going on, but the fight ends with one guy getting thrown into a glass door and another guy knocked out on the sidewalk.
34 freebies in one night? Who the hell invited him on a recruiting trip to Louisville?
As always, there’s nothing as quite as smile-inducing as a room full of ecstatic college football players.
I keep getting him confused with Joel McHale, mostly because the Rockets are playing like a community college team.
Now that the Cowboys have all their weapons back on the field, there might finally be some room to sit down on Greg Hardy’s futon.
I think that tweet is just Tony’s coy way of telling us he has AIDS.