“I’m just a caveman, frightened by your modern world and giant steel birds....” Ha! The Jay-Z quote is gold, though. What a maroon!
“I molest women but it’s ok because I’m woke and stuff”
I’m sorry - “this isn’t an overnight process. I’ve been trying to do this for 10 years and this is a wake-up call.”
He’s producing her book.
OH AND ALSO coming of age in the 60's and 70's doesn’t mean that anti-harrassment training in the workplace hasn’t been in a law in California since 2004.
I’m sure Lisa Bloom will really take him to task for his horrible behavior, just as soon as he’s done producing the miniseries of her book.
Did his PR team tell him to use the NRA to deflect in his press statement or was that his own idea? What a fuckhead.
An 11 yr old kid is fair game? Really?
One thing that would help in avoiding a Lena Dunham situation is don’t be a vapid narcissist who’s the worst stereotype of a generation like Lena Dunham.
We all witnessed Lena Dunham’s unfortunate mismatch with the dog she adopted, Lamby.
You have it exactly wrong.
(rubs temples) Or, you know, United could’ve just said ‘No problem, folks! We’ll make other arrangements! Fly safe!’ or something to that effect and avoided this whole fucking thing. But the imposition of will is more important than seeking sensible solutions, I guess.
This is overblown. He’s got a lot to learn but he’ll have AIDS.
As someone who believes 100% in the free exchange of ideas on college campuses, I believe any group that opposes the Israeli government should be respectfully allowed to speak without feeling harassed. I also believe any group that supports the current Israeli government has a right to speak without being harassed.
Why is it that the top comment on a HamNo piece is always some garbage shit like this by a teenager who just learned what electoral politics are 11 months ago? Let me guess, you’re also the only one smart enough to realize “both parties are basically the same” and that you’re just rooting for the whole thing to burn…
Oh for fuck’s sake.
You are all hypocrites. All of you. Fuck off.
Taiwan is a liberal democratic country (COUNTRY, fuckers) with a democratically elected president (not leader - president, and that’s Doctor President to you). She is a PhD holder who is the first female president of Taiwan and the first democratically…