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Comparison test that isn’t project farm (this guys channel is pretty awesome, especially if you like to take stuff apart to see how it works). 

Being in Maryland concerns me. If it has been through many winters there, I’d expect the underbits to have enough rust to attract Mr Tracy. For the past 15 or so years, state philosophy tended to be low of 37 and rainy? Salt it! Dusting of snow predicted? Dump enough salt that the salt accumulation level is higher

Don’t park a running car in driveway to change oil, blocking your other running car in the ddriveway behind a non-running car and a fence, because your bike tires will inevitably be flat when you need to get a tool to remove the threaded part of the oil filter that was put on so tight that stabbing it with a

Probably wouldn’t be interested.  Feel like galvanized showing up in description made it a no go for Mr Tracy.  Although it could be interesting for EJS next year (unless the Changli gets that honor ) 

My GTI as I read this

Tandem seating and or 0 door with opening canopy? 

why do car companies hate the Aztecs so badly that every quarter baked concept has to reference them somehow?

those are buttons, but they are not the four quadrant buttons that are being used in other products w/ myfordtouch/mylincolntouch. possible they would have done it differently, but most have been stacked 2 wide, 2 high. which makes sense, given that the menus are typically split up with options in each quarter (at

FAIL. Why go through the trouble of redesigning the center stack, only to put the old, no hard button myfordtouch system in the car? Would have been the perfect opportunity, especially because that system should be ready (see 15 mustang and mkx/c.)

FAIL. Why go through the trouble of redesigning the center stack, only to put the old, no hard button myfordtouch system in the car? Would have been the perfect opportunity, especially because that system should be ready (see 15 mustang and mkx/c.)

  • This has happened to me a couple of times in my 05 ss s/c, especially when it was lowered. hard bumps would cause key to turn, not fall out. In a stick, nbd - clutch, restart, continue on. But I like cars. A person driving an auto, as an appliance, may not realize what's happening quick enough, especially once