Bolivia Newton John

Drug addiction and racism are not the same thing, but nice false equivalency.  

Sorry guys, this is on you.  Someone should have stepped in upon realizing they were raising a sociopath.  

At least he admits to giving that little extra. Of course, he also ignores the fact that his methodology causes horrific chafing.  

There isn’t enough money in the world sufficient to have me dispose of my self-awareness in such a way.  It’s simple,  if white supremacist organizations universally applaud your comments, then there is something wrong with your comments.  Anything beyond an apology or a reassessment of your statement is mere damage

GOP is PEOPLE!!!!   PEOPLE!!!!

Dude also produced Cosmos. Put that heat seeking arrow in your quiver.  

Obviously, the Border Patrol deans her suitable.

An agent’s agent?  So she’s like Ari Emmanuel if he represented James Bond and also had a vagina and committed an unspeakable amount of human rights abuses?  Because that just screams Oscar baby!

When pressed for comment, the White House’s official response was “Pew Pew! Pew Pew Pew! Pew Pew!”

His name having been cleared, the Good Boy proceeded to pee on the third from the bottom stair, in solidarity with his master so that his reputation may also be restored

To be fair, we typically don’t blame the cudgel for the actions of the arm. Unless of course that arm is a fascist and the cudgel is a Brownshirt.

In all fairness, Pacman thought the employee was a ghost.

Well, Gilbert Harman would suggest that you can’t know that the sun actually rose today, because you can’t discount the possibility that you are merely a brain in a vat being fed sensory information causing you to perceive the sun rise when, in fact, your entire existence is a lie. So ease back on the whole

Hahahaha!  Loogit this guy!  Pretending that we live in a free market economy

Clearly, Smith’s PR person was unavailable to script and approve his emails.

Shaming does nothing. Given the polarized nature of modern discourse, you are doing nothing more than galvanizing the enemy or preaching to the choir, depending on who you go after. Hell, even the guy from the Eagles of Death Metal thinks the Bataclan Massacre could have been averted if the audience was armed.

I don’t doubt that Jesus talks to Pence. However, when I spoke to God, he expressed his concern that his son was falling in with the wrong crowd.

Tim Russert would have body slammed Trump through a table. Then he would have tagged in Luke to drop the People’s Elbow.

I too support the bill of rights and detest the tragedies happening in our country. That’s why I have sued every Shakespearean actor in the United States to the tune of $20, as per my 7th Amendment right.

I would agree with you, but sometimes we all have to share a table with our racist cousin at a wedding.