
My problem with this film is that it's slanted by its premise: women need to be either a sweetheart or a vixen if they want to attract big money off the court or field. However, Maria Sharapova is not a sweetheart (just look at her game-face and sullen post-match pressers) and she's not a vixen (she's kind of just a

I don't think she is a born-again virgin, I think she's an actual virgin. Christine O'Donnell is a born-again virgin.

I've seen the first half of The Office plus various episodes after that, so yeah. Have you seen Threat Level Midnight? The episode that is ranked 5th out of 201 episodes on IMDB? That episode is a piece of dog shit.


Let it Be was mostly recorded before Abbey Road, which many people consider their best album. Are you saying that John Lennon was checked out and on heroin in early February 1969 (when Let it Be was still being recorded), only to magically become re-engaged and sober in late February 1969 (when they started recording

I know the word "classic" is being used loosely here (and on all TV Club "classic" reviews, for that matter). It's being used to describe something that is old/not currently airing. If it were being used to describe the quality of a show, they would have skipped season one.

Yay, I won!

Just so you guys know, there is no such thing as "classic" The Office. Just "mediocre recycled crap" The Office.

@avclub-b7784c3d4ede54a8f3e13b304f3a991a:disqus If you read that article you'll notice that athletics in school is not about the non-athletes. It contributes to academic achievement of the student-athletes who participate. Professional sports is solely for the spectators, not amateur sports.

If you look here you will see some statistics that point to a correlation between being a student athlete and higher GPAs and college graduation rates:

First of all, the ratio of boys to girls in high school sports is not 10:1, it's 3:2, probably thanks in large part to Title IX:

Obviously it wasn't put together in a day. I just don't feel like there is any upside to concealing this information for weeks.

"30 For 30 will take on figure skating in an upcoming film, but it’s a bit disappointing: the media circus surrounding the Nancy Kerrigan/Tonya Harding scandal. Yet another instance of that series not taking women’s sports seriously in the same way it does for events involving men that deserve more thoughtful

How is it his fault? He said he found out 24 hours earlier.

A 'vag' is like a 'vig' except the fee is charged by a hooker rather than a bookmaker.

Part of the reason there are so many older films on this list is because they used to premiere films in a limited area and then move the film reels across the country over the course of the following months. That's why a film released in the first half of the year could still be a presence come "prestige time".

I would risk the reversal of time causing my own non-existence if it meant that this show had been switched out with a straight-up Sorkin political drama.

All this impulse-buying of assault weapons at gun stores will surely not lead to massive selloffs at gun shows…

Before I post anything, can someone sum up the previous 2500 comments for me?

From all the production stills online and the trailer, Frances Ha looks like it was lit for color. Everything is so drab; unlike Manhattan.