
Jesus, how do I get out of this cyclical clusterfuck of nonsense caused by two reasonable sentences?

It's a civil way of saying "We don't remember it the same way, but I don't believe that debating this issue will lead to anything useful."

I distinctly remember that not being the case with a number of shows, but if you say so…

So you're saying that they should still be coving The Vampire Diaries and old episode of Babylon 5 instead?

So, you guys are going the "Other Shows" route on Maron? The AV Club is strangely, and arbitrarily, selective on which shows it reviews regularly.

I wonder what Charlie Brooker would say about this dystopian display.

When are we getting the Rae Carruth movie?

Dumbledore is gay, so you didn't blow twice!

Did you know that Jay has over 190 vehicles, 90 of which are motorcycles?

There's this thing called the internet. There's all kinds of information on it. Mostly it's about kittens and porn but there's also more useless stuff on there too. Like the AV Club comment section for instance.

Kevin Eubanks hasn't been on the Tonight Show in 3 years.

So was Shane's segment in this episode dreadful? Clearly he placed blame for violence on only the Taliban, and the people being affected by it are clearly spotlighted as being victims who are against this kind of violence (not exactly "awash in judgement" towards "the culture that it impacts").

Richard Engel is usually an exception for television news. I can't even count the number of times I've seen someone on TV reporting from Qatar about things going on in Turkey or Israel or Iraq. Most of these people are so far from the action that they can't possibly know what's going on there without secondhand and

Please don't tell me you're a "first world problems" asshole (which the above review reeks of, by the way).

Good job misrepresenting that google quote. He wasn't just "at some club in the middle of the night." He was at a Vice anniversary party. And he didn't say that he, "wishes I was hanging out with the Google engineers," he said that he gets more "jazzed hanging out with Google engineers." As in: this party celebrating

I think it was the fact that you got off topic and compared sexism to paper cuts. Haha

So much of this episode was stuff they had already used in the Obama First Term episode. Kind of pointless except for a few nuggets of insight.

This is what happens when you get 5 people to define, individually, what is essential.

Oh, when does that come on?

There were only ever two options: all at once or once a week (or something in between). Trust me, they were never ever considering a 13 hour "mega-movie." Especially with 7 different directors.