
Return to Paradise.

Because how much we want to hang out with fictional characters is what we need to start basing our opinion's of TV shows on.

I'm actually offended that Sean O'Neal called The Butler a slavery drama (which it clearly is not). It's like all historical movies about black Americans can just be lumped into the Glory/Roots slavery bin.

Tasha Robinson: a name so black, it doesn't even need an apostrophe.

Excellent piece.

Who the fuck downvoted me!?

Good judgement.

They finally put some humor into this lifeless show (no pun intended), and that's a GREAT thing. Unfortunately a lot of that humor precedes a scene straight out of a video game. Zombies falling through the ceiling? I expect better, although I probably shouldn't, considering that since season 2 this show has pretty

Would you rather have multiple commenters simply stating that they disagree? Things are less cluttered this way.

I down-voted you but wanted you to know it was me…. and now the universe has collapsed on itself.


I remember hating this episode.

This is the best article on AV Club in a while.

B+? I don't believe you.

A B+ for Luther from AV Club? How shocking…

Thanks for notifying me.

Who's that?

I just always assumed that people knew that Bobby Riggs threw that match. Then this article appears and people are like "Oh my god! I can't believe it!" I was watching PTI on ESPN and Tony Kornheiser (who I think was there) said that at the time there were articles about how Riggs probably threw the match.

There was nothing in the rule book that said a black guy couldn't play either.

Hope Solo gets more attention for a lot of reasons. No one even knew who she was until she attacked her coach for starting Briana Scurry in the 2007 World Cup final. The media attention then had nothing to do with the fact that she was good looking, and it's the main reason that she's the most famous player on the