looks like a perfect location for the next wes anderson film
looks like a perfect location for the next wes anderson film
bring back the babe...
I’m sure the people at breitbart and steve bannon are all over this...I’ll start looking for the donald’s tweets around 3:00 am
I heard it was to be financed by goldman sachs and managed by a b & h Clinton....
MBU is in Staunton by the way...
and now we know why science is a foreign language to these idiots, facts do not exist...psst, these “surrogates” are mere entertainers and will let us all know that when the hatchet man starts coming for their hides...
has anyone ever seen kellyanne and ann in the same room together? just saying
Hey Cheryl, I’ve been lookin for love in all the wrong places...
we really are regressing to the dark ages...I can’t wait for a new round of witch trials to begin. Guilty if they float and not guilty if they die...seems to fit the intellect of the current republican mantra.
she looks and sounds like a meth-head
and they didn’t expect the relentless pounding and pounding that they kept on taking
and the coup begins
after watching some news last night regarding europe...it seems that right now may be a perfect time for a new european war should nationalist’s get control of germany and france and I believe that the nationalists will destroy everyone and thing to rid themselves of anyone not aryan or non european...this shit is a…
He will spin and go after Hillary when things begin to unravel. he must keep that decoy in the pocket until necessary.
please stop insulting 10-year old boys