they will be toppled
they will be toppled
he’s got the keys to the car now...repubs will now work to dismantle the basic foundations of government and install a revolving dictatorship...eviscerating the media and those that speak out against them...greed, power, abuse and money are what they worship...repubs have the control and the ability to spin things to…
where’s larry flynt? we need his vision to direct “who’s doing donald”...a cinematic masterpiece of man on man love starring Kellyanne the Cuckold
you really think he’ll last all four years?
“Yes mother, we are excited to see Hamilton”
these people literally have shit for brains.
i have never understood why this is such an issue...oh yeah its black and white for these fuck faces...while they’re at it why don’t they go a head and strip funding for pre-natal care and food for children....oh shit I forgot they are...for fuck sakes I’m an adopted male and have always supported a woman’s right to…
or their pope sheldon aldelson
It must be true, I read it on the interwebs
but look at that view, clean air, acres upon acres of open space, free lodging and meals...I mean come on, its paradise with a fence keep us out...thanks Obama
I’m so glad to see that the millions of $$$’s Obama spent on internment camps will not go to waste...I for one am looking forward for his dimwitted surrogates suggest stricter access to guns...
sounds like the election
my mom loves peanut butter, mayo and banana sandwiches...absolutely disgusting
forget politics, I think we can all agree that he is a real shitty person...but looks great in sequins
Did anyone catch the “If I was allowed” bit? So Donald is saying he had no say into who would be his running mate; hmmm, I’d love to hear more about who selected his running mate..
sexy stuff but Bruno needs to up his game to top the Jamarcus Brothers...
Silly article, if there are questions about someone disappearing, it is always aliens...
what a stooge, however sexy cat wife ntb