
Thank you, that is so helpful! I love the Beautypedia website but I've never tried the Paula's Choice products before, I will have to give them a look. Basically my biggest issue is that my skin is extremely dry and flakey. It was never that way until after I had my daughter and my hormones went woo hoo. Yet I still

I'm so sorry for your loss, Erin. My grandpa had a stroke and passed a few days before Christmas in 2013 and it took me a long time to feel okay about things. We also hadn't spoken very much the last two years mostly because I always thought I was so busy or didn't know what to say. I wish I had some words of advice

I've heard this a lot and I always have used the apricot scrub from St Ives. What is a better alternative for an exfoliant?

Oh my god contempo casuals...how did I forget about that store?

Nobody is forcing you. Just don't go see it, the end.

Do you feel the same way about hardcore pornography?

I get that it was a figure of speech, I'm just tired of everyone on this website acting like FSOG is the worst thing to happen to women in the last century. It has been brought up every day for the past three months, it is a fantasy, a book, not a guide for how to run a relationship. I was in a looong relationship

This is a little more serious than a fucking movie.

Do not talk to Adultosaur like that, you ChowderMuff. SHE IS OUR QUEEN!!!

Yeah, fuck that fucker for making you feel that way. Guarantee he was nursing major insecurity. Bodies change every moment, that is why we are alive. Believe me, I know what it's like, I have scads of strechmarks and the like from having three kids. But the beauty industry thrives on us hating ourselves for human

Uma almost definitely had a nose job, which is extremely common among female actors. They basically shave down the nose but retain its shape. I wouldn't care but the tweaking of these beautiful women is endless.

I'm sorry for your four inch penis.

Such a cop out. Girls can have babies until they are about 45, generally. Yet only the 20 year old body is obsessed over. Also, that is not our only function.

That is pretty adorable. I can't believed no one blabbed!

People like you make me want to vomit.

How about you stop obsessing over what someone else puts in their body and get a better hobby, like stamp collecting?

Could you guys be any more obsessed about this movie? Also, banana is my safe word, too.

Oh, man. That's just sad. I've got to wonder if it's genuinely a literacy issue. I've noticed a lot more people using ie instead of y lately and I assume it's the influx of Ashlees and Britnies.

Let me guess, Aimee, Amie, Amey? My full name is even better, it's Abigail but I've gotten Abbygayle, Abbygiyl, Abigale. The first is how my landlord spells it so it was originally all over our lease.

You are a badass in the truest sense of the word. I hope everything worked out okay once you actually got there.