
What the fucking fuck, I had no idea they were so restrictive. That's sickening. Can we just load Alabama into a big old slingshot and shoot it into space?

I do not understand the creative spelling. My name is Abbey and no one ever spells even that right. Woe be yon Bryytaylee.

I remember that, without the bangs. Hair does make a huge difference. The endless tweaking of their faces just gets to me.

Zooey D. got a nose job, too. If you look at her pre and during New Girl her nose is the same shape but quite a bit smaller. It seems like a popular thing right now.

I would say she definitely had a subtle nose job.

That just sounds like an alcoholic to me. My uncle once passed out drunk at a birthday party only to wake up, walk into the guest room, pull down his pants and sit on the electric heater.

I'm very, very sorry for your loss and for how unfair the court system can be. I lost my father to an accident with a drunk driver when I was seven and stories like this definitely still get my anxiety up.

I got it at Borders outlet which I just remembered was a thing. I used to go every weekend when I was in 9th grade. For a long time I bought every single that I could find. Man I would have killed for Youtube in 1998.

I'm latw, but I can do my top five.

Your username is the best username.

We rent our house and downstairs is a framed print of that original Natassja Kinski photo. Really snazzes up the place.

i have really hooded eyes and I like Stephanie Lange's tutorials on Youtube.

I had a huge crush on a boy in high school who wore jncos and a grungy green hat every day. I thought he was the hottest thing. We've been married for eleven years this week, so I can't help but be sentimental.

You weren't being harsh. I honestly didn't know it was Sienna Miller until the credits rolled.

Well, she was in American Sniper which despite being a creepy patriotic gun fest is a huge movie this Oscar season. Otherwise I woukd agree with you.

Sounds like my experience, mid-nineties middle schooler here too. Lots of drugs, too.

I would totally watch a channel of Mathnet reruns. Fucking love Mathnet.

Oh get the fuck over it you sanctimonious little fart.

When they sold the company to Unilever I think corn syrup was subbed in for sugar, along with other ingredient changes. Still my fav ice cream brand though.

We are, much better, thanks! Aldi is seriously a lifesaver and they treat their employees well. They have a ton of produce and ours is always well stocked.