
Hmm... maybe not the most constructively worded critique, but the man's got a point.

Ha! That mudcrab drider is hilarious (at least that's what I'm going to assume it was since it entertains me).

Is that Brent Sienna?

It could be construed from your comment that you're doing it based on some principle. That's awesome. I don't know why that's cracking me up so much.

You're not lame, man. I used to do the same thing. Song came on, found a scenic point (which was everywhere), and just take it all in.

You know, there might be something to that... he does look like a ninja... hmm...

I miss Soundwave :(

Mock mock mock mock mock mock...

Holy shit, I'm glad I wasn't the only person expecting him to be covered in blue.

Hmmm... why do we assume that since something absorbs all light in the visible spectrum that it has the exact same properties for wavelengths/frequencies outside of that range? I understand most people are using the definition of an ideal black body as the basis for their thought experiments, but do we actually wear

Agreed. Most of the pictures where she's deadpan and not focused on the camera she looks spooky... not hot.

What you outlined is exactly the sort of thing I was thinking about. It's a weird catch-22 when what could eventually produce a better game would actually be less lucrative. At any rate, well thought out response.

Hmm, that's a shame. Do you know if there's any chatter in the industry about altering licensing agreements in the future so that different models could be considered? Or is this pretty much just accepted as the way it is?

I have what is probably a dumb question for sports game fans, in general. Personal background: I used to play a bit of Madden and stopped playing sports games after NFL2K5.

Is Vera technically spoken for? She's kinda up on the trading block, right?

I'm not saying you're wrong, but isn't it also possible (considering how natural selection works) that nobody has had a mutation for eyebrows and beards to disappear, yet? I think sometimes we forget that this whole evolution thing is ongoing, we're neither at the beginning nor the end of it... there seems to be a

Total side note, Asari having eyebrows and lashes kinda perplexes me. They seem to lack body hair otherwise. I understand that Asari looking like humans is also a stretch, so maybe I should just shut up.

Aren't we all wearing hoodies now?

The one big reason I would want to see the human lifespan increased significantly would be so that I could be around when the actual theory of everything was formulated and demonstrated to be correct. I can't even imagine the daze that many physicists would be walking around in on that day.

I'm a bit uncomfortable drawing the line between well read sci-fi fans and everyone else. I'm not sure the correlation would hold if we were to canvas the entire population of fans. Additionally, some folks might get an elitist vibe from it.