
The building pictured looks like it could be Ultraman’s flask. Or maybe something bigger than Ultraman.

Really looking forward to Winter Tide. Been waiting quite a while to read more about Aphra Marsh.

So while Tony Stark isn’t really gone, don’t expect him back as Iron Man any time soon.

I think Leia and Lando’s attire is just meant to set a time frame for us... right after Han’s rescue. Han’s still ticked that Lando betrayed him in Bespin. However, in light of the rescue he’s begrudgingly extending him an olive branch (or drink, as the case may be). Lando is understandably a bit abashed.

I could be

I’d say about a quarter to half of the people in my office do this. We’re also software developers... maybe it’s some group paranoia prevalent in the industry? I didn’t even realize it was remarkable behavior until I read this post.

I think the reason you may not understand that is because it’s kind of a ridiculous statement.

Mortal Kombat... how did I miss that?

Ugh. And +1.

For some, perhaps not mutually exclusive endeavors, lol.

...a Marvel Comics character that was seemingly tailor-made for ogling and creepy fantasies. She’s mad pregnant now, though. So, yeah, those days are over.

That was perfect. My neighbors are probably wondering what’s wrong with me now, though. Europe and simultaneous maniacal laughter. Spooky.

This was a fantastic suggestion.

I had a moment there where your NOPEs turned into OPENs. I wasn't quite sure what you were trying to tell us.

Brock, when I read this post I was wondering where that meat story was. Well done. All the stars for you.

So, less selfies more cephalopods. I’m cool with that.

This would probably be the one for me, as well. I'm wholly unsatisfied with our understanding of this aspect of the universe which carries everything in its current.

I'm gonna take a couple shots at it and probably get it wrong:

Clicked Recommend solely for True Detective!

It appears to be a render, but incredible nonetheless. TinEye lead me to this:

Is it coming right for us? I really wanted to hear somebody say it was coming right for us.