
1) "Good" as in happy or "good" as in aesthetically pleasing? Happy and satisfying are definitely not required to go hand in hand. Satisfying and aesthetically pleasing I think probably necessarily go hand in hand. By aesthetically pleasing (getting tired of typing it now) I mean it makes sense with respect to the

"With great rage - welcome to your doom Reapers. Welcome to your doom."

Is this a vote for ice-nine?

Out of curiousity, what do you think of the indoctrination theory? I didn't read anything about the game until after I finished it in order to avoid spoilers, but I have to admit it's really, really appealing to think that the end was a bit of a mind fuck by the reapers (and, or course, by Bioware). Even though, I

The introduction of the catalyst as the sentient ruler of the reapers is indeed a bit abrupt. As far as the reasoning for the execution of the final choices, I think an argument could be made that we've already been forced into bunch of leaps of faith just to buy into any of the lore in the series. How does eezo

I do recall the "We're liquefying you to preserve you" lines as being a bit ridiculous. I can see your point, but I think I've had to make so many leaps of faith for the sake of ME dialogue that I just kind of rolled my eyes and moved on. Also, the fact that you could convince the Geth to coexist with organics does

Also a fantastic idea. Thor versus the Midgard Serpent would be quite a bang to go out with.

I like the Hyperion idea, that would be a very interesting time indeed.

I'd like it to end with a party. Given my druthers, humanity will have escaped from our pale blue dot and colonized other places by the time the planet or the sun give up the ghost. When it does so, I hope that while we'll have a somber moment (or year or two) of silence while we mourn the passing of our home world,

Man, I feel like I need a spoilers button to warn everyone about every post I'm gonna make...

Regarding why I picked it: that's probably true. It'd be tough for me to deny that there was some utilitarian algebra going through my head when I chose. Regarding it making sense... do you mean it was just a bit too much of a stretch for your suspension of disbelief? Or having such a choice there didn't make sense in

Which ones are bugging you the most? Again, I'm not saying it was perfect, but neither was the rest of the series.

You are not alone. I also loved this ending.

I agree wholeheartedly with both of your points. I enjoyed combat a great deal and especially liked the character ability progression trees. I only made it through two of them, but they radically changed your play style (IMO). The adult themes seemed very well handled, as well. While it might have been a bit of fan

Out of curiosity, which parts of the game did you feel merited more plaudits? I don't disagree with most of your critique, but I still loved the hell out of that game.

I like all of these suggestions. Except the dancing. I can't get behind that one for some reason. I don't think my dramatic palate is refined enough to appreciate Bollywood, yet.

What community accepts string theory as fact? Last I checked, they still couldn't do the math. Not fact. Not even almost.

Wow, I approve. Does she need acting lessons, though?

I feel your pain. I too miss Taki (and not even for her boob physics). I've picked up Natsu and while they have a similar style, they are definitely not identical. Many of Taki's old stand by moves are gone and transition into possession has become easier. While I miss some of Taki's old moves, they have enhanced the

I'm not sure ownership is such a driving force for me with respect to digital goods. Though I think I understand the perspective from which many people are arguing to the contrary; I sort of feel like these concepts are a bit antiquated with respect to the technology. It's almost a weird flip side of the coin