
Having lived in California my entire life, I find your geographical interpretation very odd. I've lived in both NorCal and SoCal (a large chunk of that in San Diego). While there are some slight cultural differences, it's not enough to draw a border between the two. And how in the world is San Diego the capital? Since

I thought Skyrim was pretty good for making older characters that didn't look like they were juicing. I haven't seen rotund characters done very well in any game I've played, yet, but I"m sure I've missed some.

R.I.P. real life time sink. And back to Wikipedia...

Yeah, it's a given that humans would have to seed the colony with some form of structure. Ancient Neanderthal culture will never be reborn. Considering that humans will at the very least need to raise the first generation, this is just a solution to take into account the Neanderthals social needs.

Though I do think creating another consciousness simply to study it has it's own pitfalls, the big point that got me was, "She would have no peers."

Huh. Well, I knew that the legends often involved some sort of romance. It's definitely news to me that they're appearing in romance novels, though. I wonder if we'll eventually work our way through the entire catalog of supernatural beings.

Wait, since when were selkies the new anything? What'd I miss?

NICE. I'll be waiting on the PC update, then.

That was pretty awesome. Does anyone know if there is additional content in the 360 version compared to the PC?

I think you just made a pretty good point against the conclusions of the paper.

Nick, I don't hate you. I don't think you're evil. I also don't agree with your political views. On the internet you're bound to encounter hate, why is it so threatening when it's suddenly about your political views? The street definitely goes both ways, not with you perhaps, but it does happen. Please don't assume

Both the researchers and author of this article don't seem to acknowledge any difference between biological responses and biological causes. What if psychological make-up/outlook were the reasons for the physiological responses measured? How can they draw the conclusion that this is a biological bias just because

Lol. I REPENT! I never said Thor even came close. I wholeheartedly apologize if the comparison somehow implied they were on the same level.

Asgard is a planet? That I did not know. I also didn't realize the Asgardians were considered a species.

That was a really interesting article. Thank you to the author.

I would've been OK with a flat planet for the frost giants. Mythology is rarely scientifically accurate and I think stories about Asgardian deities definitely falls into this realm. I realize Thor was trying to reconcile the two, but I think it was a mistake. Besides, it works for Terry Pratchett :)

Can anyone actually show me a source that indicates how much money the game industry thinks it's losing due to used game sales? I'm surprised so much is being made of this, but I haven't got a nose for the figures at all.

I agree completely. Maybe if they wanted to add some different exotic buttons somehow that'd be fine, but the size/shape of the 360 controller is close to ideal for what it does (in my opinion). Fortunately, I think if they changed it, they'd probably end up releasing something similar to the 360 controller, as well,

Yes, it's definitely worth a look (especially if Steam puts it on sale, again). In a year with many great games, I think it was one of the best. Full disclosure: I was using a 360 controller. However, I was also using a controller for the original and it was still awkward.

Lol, I loved that Dr. Strange.