
The Witcher 2. Unlikely many, I was not really taken with the first game. I think the controls and combat were a little too awkward. So, I went in to it thinking I was going to be an aberration, again, but ended up loving it.

He's right. There's no way we can trust Hollywood with this.

That camera work was really cool, that music was really not.

"Realizing that everything that happens in the universe does so according to a certain number of fixed laws does remove a little of the magic."

Thank you for mentioning Franklin in relation to the discover of the structure of DNA.

Cue dancing ewoks.

It's a reference to the... series name. Major facepalm moment. Thank you all all for the responses. Wow do I feel dumb.

"Man I'm stupid."

Rather, I'm confused by its use in this context. Perhaps it's lost on me because I'm not familiar with the book. To my mind a titular body has a title, but lacks actual power. How can a titular empire impose its will or subjugate anything? I feel like I'm missing something here, so if you could clarify that'd be great.

Lol, amazing. I thought you were being obnoxious until I clicked on your link. Thank you for the chuckle and reaffirming my faith in people a bit.

"...as it chronicles the titular Malazan Empire's attempts to subjugate its neighbor countries..."

I love, love, LOVE that most of these come from physicists. Cocky, brilliant motherfuckers. Rutherford's and Feynman's lines (though obnoxious) really emphasize the importance of understanding a thing not just absorbing by rote all the values attributed to it.


Oooo... a new Kim Stanley Robinson title and another story in the Laundry universe. Color me excited.

EQ2 had a F2P version prior to DCUO going F2P. At first glance, I'd say maybe they learned from their mistakes with EQ2 and created a more robust DCUO model. However, if you look at the SOE track record, this seems highly unlikely. It's more likely that two different dev groups handled the conversion and they didn't

Does this 300% bump include all the users that were converted over from the subscription model? I would take any numbers that SOE throws your way with a sizable grain of salt. I'm talking companion cube sized. They have a habit of massaging their numbers in very misleading ways.

I wasn't quite sure from your wording, but I disagree if you're trying to say controller tech is now as good as it needs to be. Console controllers require the use of only your thumbs and index fingers (middle fingers perhaps if you use index for bumpers). Additionally, most directional control is input with thumbs.

Hmmm. I just have my first edition books and haven't played them in decades. Regardless, it seems like these editions are coming out faster and faster.

Why don't you just not read the articles and comments about it? No snark. It would work. I have to do that for a whole bunch of stuff across the Gawker sites. Don't give a rat's ass about the the 3DS? Skip. Can't stand Twilight? Skip. And so on...

I have to agree here. I love the genre he created and all the influence it has had on my favorite games and books. However, there were many times when reading through the series was a bit painful. I've forced myself to do it a couple of times thinking that maybe I was missing something when I was younger. Both times,