Yesterday, marchers from New York and Los Angeles reported that Vice Media was dispensing VICELAND-branded bandanas…
Yesterday, marchers from New York and Los Angeles reported that Vice Media was dispensing VICELAND-branded bandanas…
Twitter says it will email 677,775 people in the U.S. to warn that they interacted with Russian propaganda accounts…
We know people and businesses do this. Everyone knows. But she should have put in the work and done her research regarding this business. If she had she may have come to the conclusion they didn’t need her. She pulled the entitled social media influencer crap of vying for free stuff and then acted like a petulant…
If dumdum blog princess can use passive aggressive ageism throughout her whiny tantrum protest posts then I feel emboldened and justified in calling her a spoiled brat who lacks grit and is probably exhausting to be around.
Jesus. The sheer entitlement and self centredness is absolutely breathtaking.
Truth. It’s good she’s banned, there could be assassins for someone important like her.
she had asked for a stay at their location at no cost in exchange for a review and social media posts
bless her heart - the olds are attacking!!
We need bodies. Dedication is important but if you feel more dedicated than the average woman, bring a friend. Make a sign. Staying home because people annoy you on the internet is why Trump got elected in the first place.
I’m going I’m going I’m going! Fuck yeah. There’s no reason not to get the fuck out there and GET LOUD.
I’m going to a local march, to show solidarity, and the rest of the year I’ll GOTV. I won’t go to a march in Las Vegas. Trump’s not in Las Vegas. Congress isn’t in Las Vegas.
Are you for real going to skip the march bc of internet narcissists? Social media whoring doesn’t make this cause (or any other cause) any less important.
If it makes you feel better, my mom is engaged for the first time in her life (62 years old), and my father (73) was a life-long Republican (states’-righter) who, after my years of decrying W and the Iraq War, now quietly watches the TV and looks at Oprah and says “I hope she votes Democrat”. The bald-faced corruption…
Facebook is terrible. My unsolicited advice (which I hate btw so sorry) is to recommend leaving Facebook for a while and seeing if the world seems different.
I’m going and I don’t have any social media accounts. I did GOTV in November, too. Protests drove Nixon crazy and Trump is obsessed with being liked, so I’m going because I think it’ll piss him off if there’s a big turnout.
I can understand where you’re coming from, however you should perhaps consider the possibility that they’re also doing other things and simply not posting about it. A march is a social event so I can see it making sense to post photos. If anyone looked at my social media feeds they would think I’m completely inactive…
This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.