I’ve always loathed Franco for a reason I couldn’t put my finger on. He just seemed so smarmy. I was juuuust starting to come around finally and think maybe it was just me and I was giving him an unfair rub. Apparently, however...
I’ve always loathed Franco for a reason I couldn’t put my finger on. He just seemed so smarmy. I was juuuust starting to come around finally and think maybe it was just me and I was giving him an unfair rub. Apparently, however...
Oh man. I thought Franco was just a self-important asshole who used his status to get vanity diplomas. It’s going to be interesting to see how this plays out. He’s got a whole #boysquad around him.
Wait, seriously, that’s the plot line??? Is this an opportunity for Rosanne to get off some zingers about Hillary? And if they’re using the whole “nasty woman” pussy hat thing as something to mock (given what we now know about the direction of the series), this show is doomed. Five episodes, tops.
“This is my regret face.”
What are you doing, John Goodman? :(
Agreed, although I’m pretty biased as both of my parents worked for the company for 20+ years. Say what you will about multi level marketing, but the craftsmanship that went into each basket really was special. And not to mention what Dave did for that whole Dresden area - the jobs he created, with full health care…
It warms the cockles of my cold, dead heart to see that someone has finally bought that building. I just have an irrational love for the damn thing. I’m sure I’m not the only Ohioan who feels this way. I mean it’s a giant goddamn basket in basically the middle of nowhere. It’s a treasure. Utterly pointless, but…
Jezebel staffers must apologize. We didn’t get it together in time to acquire this magnificent office building…
Christ on a cross this is embarrassing.
On one hand: awesome. On the other hand: I’m a little too exhausted from the work of my own life to take on fixing people who call me a cunt, whether they’re in pain or not. Lots of people in pain don’t call me a cunt. I think I’ll work on helping them.
Yeah, I’m confused by the biden hate. The only bad things I can think of are the weird pictures (seriously the dems are going to need to vet that to make sure it won’t be another #metoo thing), copying that stump speech back when he ran for pres the first time, and not running this year partially bc Obama and Clinton…
Explain your disdain. I am not understanding. I am not a fan of his nor a detractor, just not getting the invective being hurled around about him? Because he criticized Hillary or because he took on anti-Obamma bigots with pitbull zeal? This sort of hatred is something you save for child fucking senators from…
wait is hating biden now a thing? I loved biden.
I’ll take Biden for one term than 45 for two.
Oh fuck what have I done.
I actually liked this movie for what it was. Especially how the ice chased Jake Gyllenhall down the hallway.
You’re mixing up 2012 with The Day After Tomorrow.
I forget what it was but someone made a reference in one of the later seasons that she didn’t get and I remember thinking “SEASON 1 BRITTA WOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT”. They noticeably dumbed her down.
I’m a career woman, 40 years old, and your comments here are a steaming pile of bullshit. Advice like that typically only comes from old white men who have no idea how the world works for people who aren’t in their demographic, or young white men with a severe lack of the kind of real life experiences that help to…
The same way all the people who don’t treat others like dirt do. Stop making excuses. He’s not a child.