I would like a browser extension that only shows me Dr. Pimple Popper related content.
I would like a browser extension that only shows me Dr. Pimple Popper related content.
We’ll miss her kindness. We’ll miss her food metaphors. We’ll miss her splash mask. Join us as we say goodbye (for…
When Blanca was put on that ICE vehicle was the only time I teared up this season. And her man waiting for her with flowers looking around. That fucking killed me.
Optics and ethics are two words that simply are lacking in the Trump family lexicon.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team began with a mandate to investigate Russia’s meddling in U.S. elections and…
You’ve gotta put Alien on this list. It’s all about maternity.
“Trump won in large part because a vast swath of this country felt ignored and bullied”
Did you see how Banestar tried to make Joy Reid look anti-Semetic by claiming that she’s calling Bernie Sanders “evil” because he’s Jewish? Yeah, it’s low tactics time over on Progressive Avenue, apparently.
Well, two things, I’m not going to get into a back and forth with anybody over “she lied - she didn’t lie”, because she said herself what she believed — but if you are someone who does believe she lied, Imani Gandy explains why someone in her position might have a motive to do so.
It’s not Holy Week; it’s the threat of advertisers ditching her dumb ass. That’s how O’Reilly’s downfall started.
In 2016 a collection of 28 wax Amish children, some animatronic, went up for sale on Craigslist in Bird-in-Hand, PA (yes that’s a real Amish town.)
Right? I mean, she’s a real asshole and I personally am not interested in giving her any more attention than she already has.
I got a timeout for telling a neo-Nazi to “choke on your own dishonor”. Rude, yes, but not violent. It’s inherently passive. But the algorithm decided that was a problem.
You’d have to be a real sick f*ck to think it’s even remotely appropriate to display a lynching in an elementary school.
Are you making fun of these people because the dinner hosts are trying to turn the dinners into a “thing”? That’s the only thing I can think of that’s offensive here, unless you think journalists should not attend dinner parties with people they might cover (which is insane).
Skating boots take foreveerrrrrrr to break in and most skaters would avoid anything to be stuck with brand new boots at the Olympics because your feet get murdered and you won’t skate as well if you’re quietly sobbing through blisters. Your boots that feel good are generally jacked and they pretty them up some but all…
I live in Manchester NH and in 2005 the love of my life died of an aneurysm. We were both Catholic school teachers. She had been for 30 years and I for 24 years.