Flip it on the side like the French people do

Especially considering that WaPo is behind a paywall after the first 10 articles per month. These people are quite literally paying to be outraged.

They still want to believe in the myth that they are an oppressed minority because that fiction got them in power.

Why WHY do the same people who scream about Hillary’s emails not realize this is 100x worse in every way? How can they believe that one is horrible, terrible, unforgivable, OH SO BAD, but this? This is fine. Not real. Fake news.

It’s OK, you guys. The WaPo comment section assures me that this is FAKE NEWS.

She’s great on Childrens Hospital.

Golden Girls still holds up.

Holy crap, this has to be a doctored photo. Please tell me they’re cosplaying as Kira and Jen from Dark Crystal.

I think it’s like being inducted into the mafia. You might technically be able to leave, but the Don won’t forget your transgression...

Now playing

Screw “Must-See TV.” Bring back “TGIF” from 1990.

Can we crowd fund her legal fees?

She was a crappy parent to her kids from previous marriages (as shitty as Brody Jenner is I don’t doubt his account of this), she’s a crappy parent now. She’s not a nice person, she only cares about things that directly impact her, otherwise she’s oblivious and uncaring. She even makes Kris look sympathetic,

I have to wonder what her definition of gardening is, though. Hard to believe she is gardening naked and has not one tiny scratch on her.

I’m getting really annoyed with this “X is just a distraction for Y!” complaint. Literally every single thing coming out of this failed administration deserves our attention, but we have limited capacity to deal with it all. Pick and choose the issues that are most important to you and focus on them, but firing Comey

God I hope Dems take the house in 2018 so that these demands can have a little more teeth. Paul Ryan and the GOP “leadership” will block any and all attempts to actually hold Donald accountable.

They almost always do harm people, though. Kids who are brainwashed into believing this crap. Women who are forced to be subservient to men (hello orthadox Judaism). Public education that is warped by a community’s religious beliefs. Homosexuals who are ostracized by their families.

I would just like to say that most of the rules in most of the religions in the world are fucking moronic.