Flip it on the side like the French people do

I am SO angry with her. And it stinks too because I love the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Yeah, I’m not as impressed with her Davis portrayal as everybody else seems to be either. She isn’t embodying Davis. She’s playing the role the same way she plays most of her roles. It’s understandable why people enjoy the Davis character more than Crawford because Davis is funnier, more self-aware, and has less fucks

She and other Bernie supporters like this - who could never LET. IT. GO - are one of the reasons Trump won. Period.

Jeez. I feel bad for your husband’s stepmother. My advice is to try and be a little kinder.

God, I fucking hate her.

Could I detest her more?

Oh Jesus fuck, she’s the worst.

I will do that, right after I show up at her lame ping-pong bar with Tim Robbins on my arm, and we make out in the corner while she fumes at the bar. As we’re leaving, Tim will tell her I’m better in bed. And I’ll tell her that if Trump starts a nuclear war, she only has herself to blame.

Maybe remind her calls for a revolution are easy when her kids won’t be the ones dying in the streets.

I would love the chance to feud with Susan Sarandon, to throw a drink in her face and tell her to sit her privileged ass down and stop telling me that it’s great that I’m now so “energized.” Our feud would most definitely start with me saying, “Fuck you, Susan Sarandon,” and it would just all go downhill from there.

I don’t think it’s Jared taking it on himself by stepping up and saying yeah me. One of two things are happening:

1) Trump is layering this crap on him because he’s literally one of the 3 people he trusts in the world, and because of his rule by intimidation ethos, Jared can’t or won’t say no.

2) We’re in a Woodrow

I can only wish for such arrogance.

Ryan also supports charter schools and voucher programs (other than a FEW specialized schools, which may or may not provide adequate services)despite the fact that they’ve been known to deny admission to autistic kids and other children with disabilities. Rather than improve public education, Ryan and his cronies

Yeah, and while he was going to college while getting his dad’s survivor benefits through Social Security, he was “dreaming of capping Medicare benefits while we were drinking out of a keg.” That’s an very odd thing to dream about at a keg party.

I hope she has the gumption to apologize to her child when she’s no longer able to properly care for him without despicable socialist handouts.

It’s a joke because Ryan makes all his staffers read Atlas Shrugged. He’s, like, reaaaaaaaaaally into it.

Both him and ayn rand were so full of themselves and with their head up their asses that they never have any perspective of the fact they used government handouts while tell people to work and fix their own issues without any government Involvement.

Being aware of autism - but not actually giving a shit about helping - is pretty much the same philosophy as having access to health care, but not being able to actually afford it.