Flip it on the side like the French people do

Your friend in drugs who sticks around after the drugs is a goddamn friend, indeed.

Now playing

Fun fact: Fred Armisen did his pitch-perfect Penny Marshall impression for this memoir’s official book trailer. In it, Penny answers a phone call from Carrie.

ill be there!

Obama never had the 60 votes in the Senate. Coleman contested the Senate election against Franken till July in 2009 and then Ted Kennedy kicked the bucket.

So... Obama was supposed to reverse nearly 3 decades of inequality in the, what, six to eight weeks there was a filibuster proof Senate? Or are you just going to conveniently forget how small the window was between Al Frankin’s win being confirmed and Ted Kennedy dying? Idiot.

Are you seriously trying to blame Barack Obama for inequality? Please list specific examples of actions taken by Obama that you believe led to an increase in inequality.

The wealthiest didn’t earn as much money in 2008 because the republican president and the republican congress crashed the economy that year.



God, but don’t I understand this impulse. I wanted to crawl into my friend’s casket with her last year. I still do. I wanted to be with her. I wanted to have a glass of wine with her. And more than anything, I wanted to be the kind of person who believed that we would be reunited in some kind of afterlife. The thought


I’m so sorry.

My 16 year old daughter died on May 29th of this year.

If there is an after life, I like to think Carrie is chiding her mother saying “Jesus, could you not even give me 24 hours before you stole my limelight?!”

I feel so bad for Todd first you break the news that your sister died then your mother.

I’m not the religious sort, but sending alllll the most loving, comforting, warm vibes in the direction of Todd and Billie right now.

Hey now, I hate The Notebook as much as any man, and I’m 30. Nicholas Sparks is pure unfettered garbage.

Watching that clip is particularly hard because Garafolo was right about everything and we could have spared a few hundred thousand lives and a few trillion dollars listening to her.