Please don’t link to his shit, that’s how they thrive. Instead, just treat it like racist kinja spam: dismiss and move on.
Please don’t link to his shit, that’s how they thrive. Instead, just treat it like racist kinja spam: dismiss and move on.
Youtube pranksters are the fucking devil. Saleh is one of the worst; his shtick is exactly this. One of his videos is “Counting down in Arabic on a plane”. Another, posted below, is him pulling hijabs off Muslim women in public, “to see how people react”. He’s a professional asshole, another entitled YouTube piece of…
The guy films his pranks at airports or in airplanes and then we’re supposed to be outraged that he finally got kicked off a plane?
Fuck these guys. Seriously.
You could probably curate an entire list of these solely made of Michael Tracey tweets and I wouldn’t be mad.
Or you could blame the Trump voters.
Literally the whole last week of her campaign was events in Michigan and Pennsylvania while Trump was going all over the map, campaigning in states like Nevada that had 2/3 of the vote already cast. Blame her for some things, but not that.
Please note that this post contains ALL OF THE SPOILERS. In fact, I’m so conscientious of spoiling Rogue One that…
My regional pantsuit nation has morphed into something actually active as well, and I fucking dig it. We’ve actually done a lot so far: our local chapter of NOW got re-started, we held a handful of protests in the immediate reaction to the election, We do a monthly charitable drive, we’ve organized thousands of phone…
You know Johnson fans may be worse but honestly, Stein fans here in PA where it actually mattered pissed me off more. I am involved in anti-fracking, so are many of those people, and today he appoints a climate change denier to the EPA...this is why I am tougher on Stein fans. I will stick it to them any chance I…
I finally unfriended this person on FB who posts solely in memes-one day including a meme about how even though she was a t-rump voter, she was still nice to everyone, gay, straight etc. etc. and then a little later she posted an image of a t-shirt about how if you don’t eat bacon you should leave the country. So…
“Average american” is the new code for anti-intellectual white supremacy.
Yup. When they started showing up at Trump rallies wearing T-shirts that read “Fuck your feelings”, well I knew then that we would be in for a long four years.
I make it my mission to make sure I insult a Trump or Stein voter at least once a day. I make no apologies for it and shall continue with my mission. I feel fucking fantastic about it too!
Oh my god, this.
Yeah. My people were here before there was America. I know what they say about that.
We are not “real Americans.”
Apart of me is tired of having to listen to people who voted for Trump talk about how they feel alienated and how their feelings are important, too. I know my feelings and other groups are not important or don’t matter to them. They either don’t see me and other groups as people or don’t consider us important.
YES. This is one of my biggest problems with democrats—they don’t fight back. They don’t want to play dirty. And so they get ran over time and again. This is not the time to “give Trump a chance” this is a time to listen to what Trump told us he believes and believe him.