Flip it on the side like the French people do


Is it really a memoir or just a really long tell-all/tabloid about all the Bravolebrities and celebs that probably won’t sue him?

I need Katies tell all book ASAP. Bobby can you check when this book is going to be out?

Please please please encourage the rest of Jezebel to do the same!!

It would be the perfect thing to read on election night when I’m halfway through a celebratory bottle of champagne.

Not sure, but I finally went through and made a list of mine.

We’d lose a Democrat in the Senate though. I think that would be tragic.

There really ought to be at least a week of voting, in every state.

I wish more states did early voting. I looked it up, and I could only vote early if I will be out of the country or otherwise incapacitated, preventing me from voting on November 8th.

Nasty me, and a car full of nasty neighbor women, nastily voted early today. Then we came home and had brunch with from-her-wherever-marys.

Are you guys keeping a running list of all the adjective phrases Jezebel has used to describe Trump? And if so, will you be releasing that list at any point? Please say yes.

“Trump TV—because ‘Fair and Balanced’ still made us look terrible!”

Queue the MGTOW crowd crying about this show even more. Oh look it’s already started:

Yeah they did draw that one out...it was one of the most brutal ones they’ve done so far. These Negan kills were up there though. The caved in foreheads and popping eyeballs were a little much. Didn’t stop me from watching, though.

I ALWAYS bring up Noah’s death in discussions of TWD deaths, that was absolutely goddamned horrifying. My all time worst one is still Herschel.

I read the comics, I knew it would be Glenn. I knew that by the way Abraham offered himself up Negan would choose him because of who Negan is and he can appreciate someone stepping up.

It pisses me off that these assholes who want to make abortion illegal never mention the whole mothers needlessly dying thing. They want to portray women who get abortions as sluts who need punishment, not mothers who need life-saving surgery.

Seriously can’t believe they just ripped my baby out of my womb, stitched it back up, and handed him to me. If I had any respect I would have just died in childbirth like god and Pat Robertson intended.

This man looked like he was 100 years old when I was just a kid. How is he still alive?