
Such a restriction should not be forced. Yes it’s good to pick a few heroes to start with and learn on, but it shouldn’t be forced on to you. In Dota 2, they simply tell you that you should play Limited Hero pool mode while learning, which has a selection of easier to learn heroes only, but you aren’t forced to only

-glances shiftily at DotA 2-
Ya’ know... There’s a wonderful land where this isn’t a problem... A land with more depth, hero/champion diversity, and balance. I’m not going to name any names, I just wanted you guys to know that there is a better world out there.

Well, look at dota. There’s characters that serve similar roles (gyro/luna) but even within each catagory there are vast differences. Antimage and Medusa are both extremely hard carries but you wouldn’t draft Medusa in place of Antimage or vice-versa. Similar deal with supports, you don’t get Dazzle for the same

Not needing access to champions is a sign of bad design/overlapping roles or bland functionality. It shouldn’t be a plus that ‘you don’t need access to all the characters.’

Dear god.. a black character that focuses in on more of just him as a person instead of him being black defining every aspect of him. Who’d have thought that would actually make a decent character? huh?

I shudder to think of what all that water is doing to the fertilizer in Los Santos.

I see you’ve been reading Kotaku.

About 7/10. Reasonably accurate, fails to take it as seriously as the ‘bomb threats’ against people like Sarkeesian, misrepresents GG as being anti-liberal.

I love first person view for riding motorcycles or bikes, flying also!

As much as I love drinking the Valve kool aid, this has to be one of the most ill-conceived ideas that they’ve ever tried to implement.

You sound like those neckbeards that inform people that they have a real fedora and not a casual trilby.

I suggest you read the article again if you don’t understand why in fact the only professional thing to do in this situation is to recuse yourself from coverage of the title due to fears of perceived bias.

Because its obvious pandering.

Now, to be fair, SO4 had a really great combat system. Everything moved quickly, the action was exciting, there was incentive to do better and you didn’t need to conserve your moves for bosses. And the story had potential. It had some interesting elements, almost post colonial even. But yeah, I wish every character

whenever someone says something is : “a profound example of everything that’s been wrong with” you can safely just go ahead and assume they don’t know what they’re talking about. last hope is great. tri-ace is one of my favorite developers.

With respect, I profoundly disagree. I loved SO4,and found it to have done a lot of things very right. Over 64 hours logged. Different strokes for different folks.

Just checked IPT and they are all 720p.

I would be absolutely pissed if I slept with a woman who turned out to be a man. I am in no way homophobic or transmisophobic (was that the word?) but I am also not gay and have no interest in sleeping with someone of the same sex as myself. I live by this motto... I don’t care if a person is gay, bi, whatever. As

alright, lets go down the list:

Thank god this absolute travesty was righted. I can go back to finding the next thing to be insulted and triggered by.