
“Don’t pre-order games”

Am I the only one who thinks the warning is more on his end, as in it was really fucking stupid of him to actually go to someone else’s house over a game? Even if he just wanted to talk to the other guy, somewhere between putting on his shoes, leaving his house, and traveling the distance to the other person’s home,

> the same one or two move back to back

Of course there must be a gif loop to go with it~

Yeah male fantasy. Go tell that to all the women who also like to see hot women or muscular guys.... This is ridiculous. It has nothing to do with male fantasy. It has something to do with sexual fantasy . Its like saying Porn is for male fantasy while almost every women also watches porn...

Kotaku LOL... they are North Americas Kotaku... oh wait that’s a bad thing. Kotaku, IGN and Gamespot... the trifecta of reviews never to trust.

Maybe she just doesn’t want to be put in the spotlight just for her sexuality. Basically goes like this, “Wow, I’m gay, wooh.” ... like, why does it matter? I can understand where she’s coming from, (no I’m not lgbt my self).. it kinda gets old after awhile by people turning it into some LGBT agenda.

Online sharing is literally confirmed in the video you’re commenting on.

Great. More Gawker-related hobophobia.

Everyone knows if your videogame’s cast isn’t all inclusive (all races, all genders which means male female, and trans) then you’re a horrible human being

don’t forget those moogle wards

That is a completely proportional response to my not watching a movie because of it not following the source material closely enough.

Im sry i didn’t get to go but i still shed a tear and wish to be there.. screw people who think taking pictures at funerals is wrong, Its like saying taking pictures of history was wrong or having to go see his grave if you really cared.

Are you being serious right now?

“Some corporate guy trying to make money from cheaply made games.” Wow, that just goes to show how ignorant you are.

Iwata cut his own income just to pay the employees and to make sure that the company didn’t have to lay anyone off from lack of funds due to the difficult release of the

OK, when I started reading your comments, I actually thought you were making a valid argument and was genuinely concerned for the privacy of his family. But now, I see this for what it is.

there are no items

I did a double take seeing this posted on a friend’s Facebook and I haven’t been this heartbrokent since Robin Williams’ death. Oh my god..

Similar, I’ve never felt this way about a celebrity passing before. I feel like we got to know him over the past decade or so through. It’s sad news, and I think the games industry as a whole will be feeling the same way.

This is a Goodbye Direct to You.