
That's unfair to the French. Outside of Serbia, France had the highest military casualty rate of the war. The Nivelle Offensive failed to win the war like Nivelle had promised and pushed France's total war deaths over a million. At that point the troops got fed up. The socialists among them were internationalist

Eh, I think his recovery issues are overblown. He's screwed in narrow pits, but that's situational, and generally not an issue at tourmaments, which generally avoid the stage layouts that screw over Ness. It takes a ton of practice to do his jumps well, and learning where to do the PK Thunder cannonball requires a ton

Because everyone that supported gamergate was a misogynistic, hateful troll. You may not understand anything, but at least you look cool not understanding anything!

Aww thanks, thats so tolerant.

Holy shit! So you're saying that in a large group of people who have a similar hobby, they're NOT all the same?

Yesss, I can feel your butthurt...you want to take your keyboard. Go ahead, use it to strike me down with your pseudo-intellectual ramblings....

Many assertions you make, facts you don't present. Out of ass speaks you.

Hey man, I didn't teach her shit! Barely even met her like once in cartoon form 5 seconds ago.

99%? Newsflash: you're wrong. This is not 1985. Many, many games these days allow you to create a character, which can almost always be male of female. I just quickly looked at the highest meta rated games of 2014... 90+ ones. There's 26 of them. 6 have gender neutral/no gender player character, 6 have male only PC, 2

I can— I have heard this dude is a pretty stand-up guy (so far,) but I am disgusted by someone spending $70m on a furnished home. Like, are you lacking so much creativity that even given the budget of the most expensive home in Beverly Hills, you can't come up with anything better than eating someone else's candy on

You can think what you wish. Facts trump feels, and we have the former on our side. If a tone argument is the only defense you have, then you have come unarmed.

At this point, I truly have to question the motivations of those against Gamergate. It's been months, we have pages of evidence to back our claims, and we have made steady progress toward our goals.

Actually, WWI's trenches bred an interesting environment- one which was the bane of generals. The people in the trenches realized that their continued well-being had more to do with the people on the other side than with the generals back home. So for the first act of the war, they actually coordinated to minimize

Can we put the anti-GG hashtag on there as well? A pathetic number of dumb and hateful comments spawned from that as well.

I strongly disagree that everyone deserves a chance at redemption. It sounds cute and sweet to say, but how can you really mean that— it's hilarious. Are you just saying that because it's cliche? Because it's certainly not true.

I believe in them. People make mistakes daily.

You can't make up for trying to scam the entire community. This is just smug and douchey.

If I'm going to argue that games are art, I have to allow games like this to exist in the same world as games like Candy Crush and Bayonetta. Much like we allow Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and Human Centipede to exist alongside Citizen Kane and Frozen.