Flint Ramble

That was a lot angrier than it needed to be.

This is 100% why I only ever play games on Normal or Easy.

Wait, is there anyone on the Giants roster who doesn’t seem like a dick?

I already love dogs. I don’t need another reason to love dogs. But when dogs tackle children, that love soars even higher.

Wow, the guy really will do anything to avoid writing new pages of Game of Thrones.

Nope. I’m still on 1080p, both with my TV and my PC monitor. I’m really not fussed about 4K, to be honest—I find the colour saturation/dynamic range offered by HDR much more compelling than the extra pixels.

I keep telling people looking for new TVs to get one with good HDR instead of just focusing on the 4K feature. Seeing things in 4k vs 1080p can be a marginal improvement, HDR vs standard is often night and day.

Titanfall 2 ON PC! Finally built my PC last week, after waiting for years for the opportunity to build one. I’m so glad to be back to M+KB for my shooters.

If you do a Ctrl+F for “bindle” in the comments of a Jim Tomsula post and don’t come up with anything, we’ve all let eachother down.

This seem like it would work really well as a subset to a larger game, but I like the idea of it.

barge carrying coal w/ american flags on it? you couldn’t have planned that any better. oh wait...

Oh this will be perfect for the Switch!

That looks pretty interesting! Would like to see more of it to get a better idea what it is like. And if it avoids racist Deepest Darkest Africa tropes and hopefully subverts them.

If this has a single player campaign, I am totally on board. I love that ‘20s/’30s pulp vibe

If a ballplayer goes 5 for 5 with 4 homers and 10 runs batted in while wearing camouflage making it impossible for both the opposition and the crowd in attendance to see him did it really happen?

My dad hasn’t played a game seriously since Quake 2. We got him an Xbox One S with Battlefield for Christmas and now he puts a couple hours in every night.

After the fight, did they put their cowboy hats back on and ride off on their motorcycles together?

How many other NCAA football coaches are like this? Hell, how many NFL coaches for that matter? There’s no way Tim Beckman is the only piece of shit pulling stuff like this.

GIF of my favorite loading screen: