The problem is that FPS’s suck to watch. They are jerky, the view is extremely limited, and they are very fast-paced.
I always use Joanna Rothkopf’s own KEDSUM 200PCS ADHESIVE CABLE CLIPS, WIRE CLIPS, CAR CABLE ORGANIZER, CABLE WIRE MANAGEMENT, DROP CABLE CLAMP WIRE CORD TIE HOLDER FOR CAR, OFFICE AND HOME to affix my feminist patches to my clothing. That makes me extra feminist.
We’re not telling you to hate or love anybody. Sometimes YouTubers do silly things, and sometimes they do cool things, and just about everything in-between. If it’s interesting, we’ll report on it.
1. SBIII proved the AFL could play with the NFL, which was unfathomable.
2. Namath represented a countercultural antidote to the stodgy-ass NFL.
3. He was the first big-money QB, which forced the NFL to pay better.
4. He transformed pro football into a TV spectacle.
5. He was brash, and open about being brash, at a time…
I just want to say I appreciate the work you’re doing in these comment threads. You are appreciated.
As a sorely cheap Gear VR user, I feel left out.. :P Joking aside, there are some genuinely cool experiences on mobile VR as well (all things considered).
I love bad NPC parademic AI. I was playing Watch Dogs 2 and briefly decided to be as law-abiding as possible. This changed when I accidentally clipped a pedestrian that wasn’t visible because of a camera shift, and I knocked him down. In Watch Dogs 2, you can sometimes tell that people have only been “knocked…
Ryan started the fire.
it was hilariously bad wasn’t it. I just watched a clip due to a quick nostalgia burst and it was really funny how you shifted with your clipboard or how every npc had that trademark waddle.
L.A. Noire had some of the greatest facial animations ever made, though only because they made it the main focus of the game and its budget. On the other hand, their body animations were laughably janky by comparison, made only more clear by the terrific faces.
Vince Carter just turned 40, yet he’s still playing 24 minutes per game for the Grizzlies and has recently joined…
Fuck it. Dizzy bat race in the 10th inning and call it a day.
The 3GB 1060's a decent deal if you’re on a very tight budget to upgrade your desktop, but it’s worth spending the extra few bucks to get a 6GB 1060 or opting for an RX480 with either 4 or 8GB.
The 3GB 1060's a decent deal if you’re on a very tight budget to upgrade your desktop, but it’s worth spending the…
Not all content is made equal. I felt that DAI disrespected my time with filler stuff that didn’t really make an impact or even represent what the game was ‘about.’ I’m playing dozens of hours of Zelda, but the game is packed with mysteries / charm, so it doesn’t feel like a waste of my time - I am still discovering…
I think that’s his entire point. Aircraft carriers of today are not combat ships anymore. We keep building them to be fighting ships when in reality, they can be easily sunk (says the author). In reality, they are just glorified air bases used to project power and they should be built as such. As I see it, the…
This can’t be the whole story- I bet the Skins are up to something, because if there’s one thing I am SURE of, it’s that Dan Snyder has fucked Cousins.
I would take a Gus spinoff from Psych. I have no idea what it would entail but fuck I would watch that shit every week.
Play with the sound system up or with headphones on. The ambient noise and brief sections with music are amazing. Still the best thunderstorms I’ve ever heard in a videogame, maybe even in cinema too.