Flint Ramble

I love when you finish your tacos and there are enough taco dibbits for one last bite.

How the fuck is there already another Fire Emblem game?

[palm light starts flashing red] FRIES ARE UP!

Now playing

For all the greatness of games in the modern era (and goddamn is there an absurd amount of greatness), fucking with AI is what keeps me coming back.

(to clarify this is just a random funzo and not directed at you, Hannah)

I basically scrolled down through the replies just to make sure I wasn’t crazy. Every article I see about this I feel like there’s this weird omission of LA Noire. Sure it had other flaws, but it’s still germane. I want a damn sequel so I can eternally rotate a book of matches in my hand while everyone waits for me.

I feel like nothing will ever beat LA Noire unless they use that capture technology again.

The 300 Confirmed Kills Edition

There’s a non-zero chance that Jim Harbaugh is the Huckabee large son that tortures dogs.

There are 162 games per year. 162 games. Every year. MLB should adopt Tee Ball rules and play 6 innings that can end in a tie. Hell, let ‘em use the tee too!

Tough-But-Fair Father Teaches Children Life Lessons and Definitely Isn’t a Damaged, Abusive Asshole (1979)

+1 Gene Parmesan

I’m loath to consider siding with aggressively NIMBY jagoffs, but HOAs usually have rules against this stuff for slippery slope reasons. And at one time or another everyone’s been in a neighborhood with the mangy ‘68 Winnebago that popped into your head when you read that. Also, after sixteen years in aviation I can

Taco Tuesday is the holiest day. What other food/day arrangement would you like to see?

My starting offer is to ban baseball in the US so I can be haggled down no further than 16 week seasons with 1 game per week consisting of 6 innings that can end in ties. Also the Giants have to move to LA.

During David French’s five minutes of election spotlight we learned he prohibited his wife from using Facebook or emailing men while he was in Iraq. Does Jim Harbaugh do this as well?