Flint Ramble

Better cooking show: watching a competent chef prepare a tasty dish? or watching four people holler at each other about the best way to build a meal around a secret ingredient that turns out to be a dog turd?

Elementary, in spite of being seismically CBS-ian, is better than Sherlock. But the problem both shows share is that Sherlock is a piece of shit eye-roll generator. Omnipotent-minus-one is a terrible trait to build a show around. It eats exposition and shits plot holes. Martin Freeman’s cool though.

Jim Harbaugh 100% does not let his wife email other men at work when he’s on the road.

Of all the insane details here, I still have the hardest time believing someone got a cab ride from O’Hare to Midway for under $100.

To be clear, I love me some terrible looking games that are fun. It’s just okay to call a turd a turd.

It is I, the Psycho Janitor. Lego Jay-R PeeGee: Glitchduine Praxis’ tampon golem character design and graph paper world is indicative of its powerhouse gameplay and rich storytelling.

Great deal, but holy shit that review that was linked was awful. What is wrong with cell phone reviewers? How can you write that many words about how much you dislike the aesthetics of a front facing flash and not make one mention of the internal hardware? These people would carry around a fucking Pop Tart for a phone

Great deal, but holy shit that review that was linked was awful. What is wrong with cell phone reviewers? How can

Putting a microphone in front of an old person saying any variation of “these young kids just don’t understand...” should qualify as elder abuse.

Now playing

Because there’s never a bad time for this...

*checks in on NFL at the end of the season to find that every team is somehow 6-10* This is fine.

The Quattroporte GTS is the car of choice for lawyers who love to charter small twins to nearby airports for lunch meetings. They’re still a better lot than the El Dorado Hills failsons that parallel park Ferraris in front of clubs in city center. All that engineering crammed into a sock and shoved down the ol’

when you want pizza but mom makes casserole again cuz you’re a rapist and you handed the city over to investors with no stake in community


To be clear, I’m not saying Overwatch or its analogs are bad, just that they’re beyond my skill level and not fun for me.

For the love of Crom I’d donate my kneecaps to science if somebody would make a nice single player action/adventure/open world game with this lovely, bright style. I’m sorta bored with oatmeal noire palette’d grit slogs and have zero desire to spend my evening playing Overwatch or its clonespawn, endlessly saying to