
Add in some decoys, a shotgun, a good retriever & I'm all for it.

What's the issue here? It's NBC, they have her because of who she is, they also have Luke Russert because of who he is or who his father was. Next issue?

I think there is, try www.lobotomy.com.

Once again the power of the pussy proves to be the Achellies heel of the best of the best. I really don't understand my fellow men...Then again perhaps I am blessed that I never had to pay for it? And I am well aware, I pay for it, just never up front. ;)

You need to ditch the looser. You are selling your self short.

No shit! Some people just love to tempt fate. Now about that lighter-than-air Hindenburg Memorial Flight, I have one question: Hydrogen or helium?

Great start by not voting for him at your next national convention. Now are you willing to take your opposition to the next level? Openly oppose him and publicly campaign against him, or take him on yourself and run against him on an alternative platform which would then allow you to really reform things should you

Quite frankly they leave behind the taste of latex rubber and what ever else they add in as a lube. As I am all about foreplay, play, & after play...YUCK!

Why is this even being debated? To paraphrase what a Supreme Court Justice had to say about porn, a female orgasm is the same thing: As a guy... "I can't describe it, but I know it when I see it."

What a concept! You & most others on here acknowledge that the rules, while they are bull shit, where the rules that were agreed to when the person took the job. Now I wish the rest of society could come to a meeting of the minds like this. Life would be so much simpler!

I consider myself to be well informed. This is a new one on me. As I prefer the real deal with a living breathing woman. This dialect of human sexuality will remain on the shelf next to pegging & that form of masturbation where people suffocate themselves; (auto-asphyxiation?). Thinking about it, if one were into

"Says the former Christian School student, I know that of which I speak." & "Catholicism is a subset of Christianity."

Now that you mentioned the simian angle...I have a rather unique hand. Both of them have what is known as a Simian Crease. I got this from my father, he got it from his mother, (both of them also had Parkinson's so I'm enjoying life while I still can despite what a geneticist told me). Anyway, when I learned this hand

I can't fairly or honestly answer that, nor am I someone who could be used as a random sample. Most people I know do not pass on the political emails to me. I've tended to call bullshit when I see it using this thing called "Reply All". It is so much more effective than hitting the delete button...You should have seen

My employer has a very clear cut, defined policy for things just like this: If it ends up in my inbox I have no control over that, no harm, no foul. However if I decide to pass it on I have just become part of the problem & I will be needing a new job.

Take heart my friend, your best days are yet to come! As a 48 year old divorced male with a job, a car that runs, & doesn't live with his mother I can assure you the tables will have turned in 20 years!

The men know cup sizes..At least the experienced ones that pay attention to the women they are with know cup sizes.

A cavachon? Don't tell me: Coton deTulear & a Bichon?

Not one with a key on both sides

And now they want to be able to use unmanned drones to further invade our privacy. I say screw them!