
It will always & forever be The Penn State Scandal. Penn State owns this as much as Sandusky owned them after they engaged in the cover up beginning in 1998. Just as the cover of Sports Illustrated said, Joe Paterno's legacy is "...gone & he can't get it back." If Joe had a shred of decency left in him he would have

"Surely his little balls must have been feeling mighty blue by the time he got some relief from a woman wearing rubber gloves."

"Considered attractive and f*ckable by conservative men? Check."

Busted, I was in a rush! ;)

Perhaps if your punctuation & capitalization aspect of your writing skills were berter they would not feel the need to stress how hard of a worker you can be?

Reading this I am glad my place of employment has a security force, no badge, no admittance to the campus!

I never gave it a thought until I read your post regarding the ignorance of what he did to them. I suspect there is more than one person who upon their spring awakening thought WTH??? And was brought right back to his classroom. These 2 needs to be shot.

Makes perfect sense to me that teachers would have a higher percentage of pedophiles than a profession such as auto mechanics or say fire fighters. Much like Willie Sutton answered when asked the question, "Why do you rob banks?" His reply, "Because that's where they keep the money!" Pedos are going to seek out

As the former Mrs. Flingwing would say, " That woman is the C-word!"

I was at the Harvard /Yale Game to which I think you refer. After last years events I think kegs & U-hauls are forever banned. They will stick to what they know for future games as no one ever died from having a case of champagne dropped on them & limos usually have drivers who are paid to remain sober. [www.usatoday.c

The "Oh for fuck's sake your a guy like me, we are all physical touch" comment was snark which may be more appreciated over at Gawker as opposed to here.

I partially disagree, It all depends on the title & the reason behind it. I have a cousin who is a born again. During a particularly stressful period of my life she gave me a book about finding answers through God or something like that. I was not offended in the least. She cared & tried to show me a possible

Sorry, I know it is a tough job market out there. Good to know that you are both taking charge of that. Do take care of your self, like I said you are No. 1.

Oh for fuck's sake your a guy like me, we are all physical touch. Give her the book & tell her your going to read it together. I assure you you will get more mileage out of that book than any spa days, although I am sure she will appreciate that too.

Question: Who is the most important person: Husband, kids, parents, or you, (fuck the co-worker)? Answer: You, then your husband, kids, then parent. Reason: If you are not healthy how can you take care of anyone else? Then your husband because if your marriage is not healthy how can you take care of the kids?

I'm not a spammer & will not benefit from a purchase. I say this because I've said this to a few poster on here: Care for some unsolicited advice? Buy this for Valentines Day & read it together: [www.amazon.com]

We are creatures of habit. Doing what you've always done, your going to get what you've always gotten. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over expecting a different result...Now I've got myself thinking: The last 2 women I've dated had some type of therapist/depression issues...What's up with

Care for some unsolicited advice? Buy this for her for Valentines Day & read it together.

Update: WTNH News 8 New Haven just reported through Witt's agent that he did nothing wrong. Nothing like a woman scorned or like in this case telling her that the rape really wasn't rape to compel them to go to the local police or D.A. & file a complaint.

Update: WTNH News 8 New Haven just reported through Witt's agent that he did nothing wrong. Nothing like a woman scorned or like in this case telling her that the rape really wasn't rape to compel them to go to the local police or D.A. & file a complaint.