Sure we're on the same page for the most part. No need to invoke a Midas Touch by going after bit players like an admin who set up meetings & unwittingly facilitated the cover up. I am looking for the active participants.
Sure we're on the same page for the most part. No need to invoke a Midas Touch by going after bit players like an admin who set up meetings & unwittingly facilitated the cover up. I am looking for the active participants.
To all the employees of Gawker Media: I feel for you. In the course of my employment I too have been forced to deal with these WTF decisions of management. The same rules apply: The people who make these decisions will have jobs long after you & I are gone. Good luck in the bread lines.
If I was a vitim I would settle this for a paltry sum with a few strings attached. I was thinking $1.00 but that is far too low. A million or 2 would be cheap for Penn State. I would then add the following conditions, these are just a start feel free to add:
Sandusky so would have loved a young Anderson Cooper!
A few days ago I posted the following comment on a Deadspin article reguarding the Sandusky Trial. I feel the whole thread bears re-posting. If the Paterno Family didn't read it then perhaps they will now. This may be my last post as they are about to set the comment section on fire similar to what they did at Gawker.
Yea those kids are cute; fireman, cops, etc, etc.. You see I read the papers, watch news reports, and time & time again my opinion is reinforced: Cops are nothing more than thugs who were issued a badge & a gun. Just in case you haven't figured it out: No I'm not fucking kidding you!
Cops are nothing more than criminals who decided to play for a different team. The reality is that criminals are more honest: they make no bones about the fact that they are going to lie, cheat, & steal seven ways to Sunday.
If you recall the gyno's name perhaps you should consider reporting her to the state licensing authorities.
You see Joe went off the rails a 3rd time when he had time to set the record straight, (1st time in 1998, 2nd time when McQueary came to him...of course Sandusky owned all of them after 1998). Joe was actually given a gift with lung cancer: Unlike most of us he knew he was knocking on Heaven's door. Joe was the guy…
As revolting as this testimony is sadly I think it is necessary. I hope every defender of Joe Paterno reads this. Let them then try and cover for him by asserting that he reported it to his boss. If an afterlife exist I hope Joe Paterno is taking in every day of this trial as part of his punishment.
As revolting as this testimony is sadly I think it is necessary. I hope every defender of Joe Paterno reads this. Let them then try and cover for him by asserting that he reported it to his boss. If an afterlife exist I hope Joe Paterno is taking in every day of this trial as part of his punishment.
Well this is Joe "I never heard of rape of a man" Paterno's legacy. If he had an ounce of decency he would have named names before he died.
FYI: It will always & forever be The Penn State Scandal. Penn State owns this as much as Sandusky owned them after they engaged in the cover up beginning in 1998.
Hi there A/T how are you? I recall I won you over during the Penn State dust-up, now I have to do it again!
Not joking, trolling, or baiting in the slightest. Actually the same can be said of both Angelina & Brad. They are not to be trusted. See my next reply/comment for some elaboration as to why I think that.
Really? This is worth writing about? How long has it been? Answer: Roughly 7 years!
Whats wrong is that he trusted someone...who I hope he deleted her from his spreadsheet.
I have a job that requires me to be able to tread water for 20 minutes. They actually paid for me to be trained in drown proofing. My thoughts on the course: Why am I just learning about this at 38? It should be taught to everyone about 1st grade with a refresher course...every year.