
Ha, perhaps. That sounds like a great trip - how long will you be gone?

In the last few years I've especially enjoyed Batavia's Graveyard by Mike Dash, Skeletons on the Zahara by Dean King, Frozen in Time by Owen Beattie, In the Heart of the Sea by Nathaniel Philbrick, and The River of Doubt by Candice Millard. I'm forgetting a ton but if I remember I'll look them up when I get home later.

I love all three of those films and I'm so glad to find people with the same weirdly specific interest.

Well said, and I agree completely. I haven't read any of those but they're on my list now. Thanks!

I really enjoyed this book and didn't realize this movie was being made. For some reason I've become slightly obsessed with doomed expeditions and explorers and shipwrecks over the last few years and read every book on the subjects I could find. There's something very seductive to me about the dangers these people

It's just G now, Jack. I sold the E to Samsung. They're Samesung now.

I should have been more clear - I'm having a blast playing this character, but the character himself is furious with the situation in the world. It's really not so bad that I can't do anything, and I've discussed it with the DM and he's very accommodating (I've already had a couple of conversations with humans that

Playing our sixth session of Dragonlance in a PF skin tonight. I went with a Kagonesti elf rogue (starting at first level) and so far I've been pretty pleased although I can't hit anything with my short swords, and probably won't be able to until we level up and I take Finesse Rogue. I also lost consciousness two

Blocking the gutter.

I think that's the best option. Did it work?

I had to look it up and I can't believe X-Men came out in 2000.

That's totally fair. It certainly was bleak and depressing, but I have no such connection to the X-Men (having not read the comics since the early '90s and skipping many of the movies) and so maybe judged it differently.

I've also never seen the other Wolverine movies, and I'm not an especially big comic book movie fan (in fact I think most of them are terrible), but I really enjoyed Logan.

Interesting, thanks. Looks like I'll be doing some research.

Cypress Hill is legitimately great though.

Do you vape the oil as well? And how much AVB do you need for…how much oil? I'm interested in doing this myself.

Vipers are awesome and deadly!

If someone touched the thermostat in my car I'd bite their hand off.

Is there a specific thing you fuck up that imparts bandaid flavor to beer?

Fuck George W. Bush! He's a fucking evil idiot who paved the way for Trump.