
Counter-counterpoint: ice cream soup.


Great and informative post. What are some actual craft beers you enjoy (hopefully I can find them in the DC area)?

Not a milk-drinker, and I love beer. Perhaps too much.

I don't really drink milk at all, it's just things like ice cream or a particularly cheesy pizza will sometimes give me insanely horrifying shits the following day, and it never used to happen.

Does this happen to everyone? Because it's been happening to me.

What in the fuck

I looked up those lemonade panels and they're crazy but I kind of love them.

That's a great point. Sounds like you should have written the movie instead.

Nope, that's basically it. Batman doesn't kill Superman because their mothers have the same name. It's fucking stupid, like the rest of the movie.

Actually no one has read them other than the DM so we're all equally ignorant. I trust him to guide us to the most delicious morsels.

I love sorcerers but I've never played 5e or a kobold. The pet concept sounds really interesting so I say go for it.

Creating first level characters for a 3.5/PF Dragonlance campaign tomorrow, the first game I haven't run in like nine months. I have no experience with the universe but based on preliminary research I'm going to play a Kagonesti elf rogue as a loner weirdo survivalist murderer (in a weird twist of fate I think my

He was a rebel. He married a non-Mormon woman and moved to England!

I used to work with a Mormon and the only "bad" word he would say was "crap."

What? Where?

The wrong thing.

I've been sending videos of plastic bags to friends and saying "This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen" for a while now.

I believe those are alternate Outlaws logos.

"Ri ruv roo."