
How were the prereleases? The set looks cool but I couldn’t squeeze any tournaments in this weekend.

That’s a bummer.

How can I downvote your comments?

This layout is absolutely horrendous.

Same here. I can’t see any of my old comments.

I also came here to post this.

"Lullaby" is fucking horrendous, maybe my most-hated song ever. I'm furious you reminded me of its existence!

Could you please post some more details on the talking animal campaign? I've been trying to come up with a short, gimmicky thing for my group to do and this seems similar to what I want.

I'm assuming so, unless that also happens in another King story.

That would have been interesting.

Jerk it off.

That's a late '70s Jefferson Starship tune.

I did not but now I'm debating catching up on the stupidity/insanity because I'm also stupid and insane.

Kids suck and so does this bullshit.

I have also eaten minke whale in Iceland and it was fantastic (which was good, because the plate they brought me was huge). It was barely cooked and sliced into thin strips. It reminded me of a somehow leaner, butterier filet mignon.

Don't worry. The show isn't coming back so you won't be forced to watch it anymore.

I forgot her last name was Durst.