
I remember crying in the theater during the 1994 Lassie movie. I was 10 and I'm pretty sure that was a bad film, though I haven't revisited it (and likely never will).

What movie?

Kelsey Grammer.

Do we know for certain his mother wasn't named Martha? Someone should look into that.

I mostly refuse to watch videos on my smartphone unless someone specifically sends one to me. I hate the tiny screen and the shitty sound and everything else about it. My phone is for texting and twitter and the occasional phone call, not watching a fucking movie!

I've been trying to organize a few thousand Magic cards and put them in binders. It's horrible.

Bruce Lee was ripped as hell.

Thank you.

The Russian space program is repeatedly mentioned in the movie, and Gagarin is featured (he essentially serves as motivation for some of the main characters to work harder).

He doesn't anymore.

Nancy Pimental?

Because it's a video game?

60% of veterans voted for Trump vs. 34% for Clinton, so Lieutenant Buttocks isn't wrong.

The leap was because she had her intelligence changed from 14 to 20.

Thanks for saying this. It's unbelievable how much these things get ignored (for instance, note how many replies you received).


Good luck with that prostate.

Future episodes included.

Clinton received 48% of the vote, so she certainly didn't have the majority of the population "with her."