
It doesn't seem that onerous if you're still wealthy enough to own a nice home and live without debt. If it is, why not sell the business or move it somewhere with less oppressive tax policies?

That may be true of your school but that's not remotely true overall.

That's not The New Yorker.

Couldn't Arnold actually be Ford's father?

All my favorite films feature ladders in basements.

Jaws and The Godfather are both vastly better as films than books, for two examples.

Don't get me wrong, driving is certainly quicker than metro most of the time. It's really just annoying driving through the city, since 1/5 of the trip's distance takes 9/10 of the time. Also parking in Crystal City is not great or cheap.

I also came here to call the name stupid.

Commuting anywhere around here is a fucking nightmare. I live in Tenleytown and work in Crystal City and I hate every minute of it whether I'm on the worst metro system in the country or driving through DC. Biking is the only tolerable method of transportation but it's impossible to do like three months a year.

"Think about someone you know who’s taken a break from Facebook for a bit. Did they do it quietly? Probably not. They probably made a big proclamation about it, the same way they’d announce an engagement or a pregnancy to all of their family and friends. Then they most likely came crawling back to social media a few

Very funny and original to quote 20 year old+ movies at people because they share a name.

And yet he believes in mermaids somehow!

Nothing natural about being raised in a tank and gutted by a human being for use in awful fast food.

I bought a zoo.

Ugh, listening to music and reading books. Why don't you record and write your own? Much more satisfying.

Bill & Nye: Bullshit!

I saw him once! I took a bunch of ecstasy and had a great time.