
I like their coats.

Oh, I know. It was a poor attempt at humor, I suppose. Now that I'm thinking about it I don't actually know why I typed it in the first place. Sorry!

God, he kicked all kinds of ass. RIP Neon Deion.

I have a theory that every state sends their worst drivers to the DC area.

I moved to DC two years and I still don't have a goddamn clue how to get anywhere. Whoever laid out the roads here was a complete maniac.

Maybe she came to the future and saw Bernie.

That's #devops, baby!

I would like to be spoiled, please.

But…porn was everywhere in the '90s!


I thought all Bostonians were dickheads.

I somehow don't know who Kyle Chandler is, but recognize the other names you mentioned.

You should install an adblocker and watch Review because it's an excellent show. Don't punish yourself for the AVC's sins.

Yeah, you have to drink for these. I can't believe you watched without being shitfaced. That takes dedication.

He's wonderful. Have you listened to him on any podcasts?

I hate Denis Leary, but I watched about 10 minutes of one episode to see how bad it was (really fucking bad).

NYT says Merrill Lynch had no offices in either tower.

Wikipedia: Beans, a staple of Tex-Mex cuisine, have been associated with chili as far back as the early 20th century.[9] The question of whether beans "belong" in chili has been a matter of contention among chili cooks for a long time. While it is generally accepted that the earliest chilis did not include beans,

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