
Excellent list, and your name is also great.

Predators is kind of great. I should see these others.

And Kroll Background Screening is an absolutely horrible company. If you must get background checks, for the love of god, use someone else.

Big Weautiful Women

Space coyote?

Scumbag Best Exotic Marigold Hotel featuring Chappie

He works for Will McAvoy now. Or he did. He may have gone to jail or escaped to Russia or something.

They are.

Why would he even do that? I just googled the character and the screenshots look absolutely ridiculous.

Which is bizarre because Natasha is Russian.

"Don't talk back to me, boy!"


Al-Qaeda loved RATM's music and politics so goddamn much.

After watching Alex play above, I think a year might be a more appropriate span for this project than a month.

It was assigned reading for me in high school.

I'm guessing it doesn't really matter since all conferences and corporate events seem identical to me, but what industry is this? I would like to avoid it.

Gold Digger is absolutely horrible, no question about it.

You should stop doing that. I imagine you'll have to walk back your comments much less frequently.

"Feels So Good" is…so good. And it's already instrumental so you don't even have to do anything!

The rest of us installed some sort of ad- and script-blocking software years ago.