
I don't think Trotsky icepicked himself.

I keep seeing comments like this and realizing I didn't even know Train performed these pieces of shit. At this point I'm willing to believe they wrote every bad song ever and I was simply mistaken in thinking they were made by other bands.

I would have sworn it was from 2003 or so.


"Between millennials"? The lead singer was born in 1969.

I don't really like or play the games so I had to look up how many there are. It's apparently more than four, though - there are a number of spinoffs and Halo 5 is getting released this year.

It was huge then and it's huge now. Halo 4 made like a billion dollars.

Me too.

Wow, I had forgotten that existed. Thanks!

It could be worse. My name is Forrest.

I thought the italics disorder was alright.

He is the Marm of Smarm.

Your name is also Pitbull?

Hmm, I had a much more positive experience sleeping with a professor (five stars). My condolences.

Nathan seems very similar to me so if you like Review you'll probably like that. I find both absolutely hilarious.

It's the best thing currently airing.

I also thought it was a dig at him.

Yes, but I can't remember the name right now. It was something like Deathly Hallows or…wait. It was Wayward Pines.


Young people are simply the worst!