
And this is why everyone I know who owns an iPhone, including me, uses tri-tone, or simply keeps it on vibrate.

@DrGonzho: Or parents who catch their kids smoking and make them chug until they’re sick… that probably doesn’t really happen.

Odd he’s in a young offenders’ institution when he’s 19… and he’s a paedophile. Someone hasn’t thought this through.

@dave_t: Hear what you’re saying. Before I got an iPhone 4 recently every phone I owned from the mid 90s onwards was a Nokia. In the UK at least, when I was at school, it used to be cool to own the latest Nokia... I’m sure that’s changed, but I still have a weird soft spot for them.

Wouldn’t this phone eventually go green literally as well as metaphorically?

@Enginseer: Thought so. Touring bands probably cart loads about with them. The ones I saw up close were really thin, literally just the frontage. I think they folded in half for easy transportation.

I performed at a Marshall demo road show once, and about half a dozen fake stacks were lined up along the back wall of this tiny club.

"in crummy 480Å~320 at 15fps"

It’s such a stupid move on so many levels.

Almost every tent I've ever used has worked on the basis that you: "set up the outer sheet of the tent and you are instantly out of the elements for erecting the inner tent."

Like others here, I can’t really see why anyone – even a professional – would need a 120mg sensor.

@92BuickLeSabre: Amazing drink. The bar tender at my local cocktail bar maintains it has to be muddled for at least 20 minutes. He said don’t even bother ordering it at busy times because it’ll be a disappointment.

@a sexy hot dog: Better than my suggestions. Could actually see them calling it that.

In a way, I would have thought Apple would be better off not going for the TV link at all with this product.

@djdare: And apparently beer...

@djdare: I agree with that... see initial post. That's the reason I don't really buy into the theory this entry refers to. I don't really think humans were ever a peaceful species. Sure we can cooperate, but we're more than happy to fight if that proves impossible.

@dlomax: Will check it out. I wonder if it’s simply that we had more time to devote to stuff other than staying alive once we’d invented farming.