
@Dr. What?: That is something I’ve never understood… why did people live in the shitty places in the first place, especially if they were nomadic?

I’m sure I read somewhere (will trawl in a minute if anyone cares) that agriculture, livestock domestication etc actually made life easier for the majority of people as opposed to the live fast, die young, hunter gatherer existence we’d previously indulged in?

I’ve never been able to solve a Rubik’s Cube.

@LoganR: @Dancing Milkcarton: @tande04: Cheers guys

There might have been a post about this before (I did search) but how much data would, say, a five minute facetime call over 3G use?

@ACreator_PT: The Observer (British newspaper) used to do a section in its magazine where they’d call up three restaurants pretending to be the PAs of various celebrities, business leaders etc and try to get a table at short notice, often making ridiculous demands as well.

@Deven Harris: I think Jesus’ post is more about the censorship issue than anything else, but I agree with the sentiment about the app.

@ThePriceofEggsinMalta: Nice. Giz should launch a weekly copywriting contest – re-write the most flagrantly ridiculous product release of the week.

@ThePriceofEggsinMalta: Honestly, I was just thinking that myself… they are hyperbolising themselves into a corner.

They also need someone to work on with their HR department’s proofreading team.

This sounds very much like Asimov's idea of Psychohistory. Or at least the beginnings of it.

@Almightywhacko: I don't know... while personally I'm not on board with the tablet format (just don't see the need for one at the moment), I don't think anyone's ever denied a real keyboard is easier to type on than a virtual one.

@gottheguds112: Well spotted. The open phone has had some serious orthodontic work to remove that under bite.

@vinod1978: I know the numbers are smaller – millions as opposed to more than a billion – but one might have said the same thing about Facebook v MySpace five years ago.

@Andy Igel: It's never going to happen, but my preferred solution would be a simple USB cable from Mac to keyboard/pad that charged the device. Then when it was charged, go wireless until it runs low. Replacing batteries seems inelegant in comparison.

@n9n3: Pros and cons of removable batteries aside, as you rightly point out the rest of Apple's product range has fixed batteries, uproar or not. Seems odd these don't.

I don’t understand why Apple didn’t just provide a phone-style charger for these things? Why take the batteries out at all?

@Odin: I’ve got a Macbook Pro and the multi-touch trackpad, in conjunction with various keyboard shortcuts, is a really fast and convenient way to navigate, especially once the gestures become second nature.

@Akhen: I like to think it was all those things and more.