
The day manufacturers realize that electric cars can also look like “normal” cars, that trend might change. Nowadays I just lothe how every electric car must scream “ELECTRIC”, “FUTURE”, etc while looking all the same and being totally devoid of character. Sadly, this is nothing but another generic POS.

The windows on my old Mitsubishi Montero work exactly like that and I dare to say it’s even better. I guess it’s something you don’t see very often on newer cars, but I wouldn’t know.

Drove one as a rental back in 2015 and can’t complain. Honest car, no false pretenses. Road feel was nice and it was definitely a comfortable cruiser.

I don’t think the ease of getting a license is a problem at all, especially in a country where most people naturally have some manners, respect and common sense while driving (even though for you guys it may not look like it). In my country I paid roughly 1200 USD for the whole process, it’s a pain in the ass red tape

America is full of numbnuts of every kind, most of the times it has nothing to do with alcohol. Also, nothing prevents you from drinking prior to your flight.

This has been a thing in Brazil for years and years, it’s a very long story that traces back to the VW Beetle (more specifically, when the Beetle became very popular here) and has nothing to do with chip shortage. Basically, the Beetle and VW itself shaped almost our whole automotive culture/industry and people got

One thing is “studying” for a driver’s test, another is watching a bunch of adults that already have a driver’s license struggling to understand how a roundabout works. It IS beyond stupid, regardless of the context. Your sad attempt at being sarcastic and passive-agressive towards me won’t change that fact, sorry.

Sorry, but this is something VERY simple in any part of the world. If these people need to be “educated” to understand something as simple as how a roundabout works, they shouldn’t be allowed to drive.

Hardly “people’s”, more like just americans.

My thoughts exactly. I can’t believe people drive like that unironically. I can’t even laugh, this is beyond stupid. It’s a fucking roundabout, don’t know what’s so hard about it.

To me, that Mustang still to this day one of the most beautiful things that i’ve ever seen.

I honestly can’t imagine someone living without Spotify nowadays. Thanks to it, I was able to discover some amazing new music. But to be fair, when i’m driving I just listen to whatever my local FM is playing, I save my favorite music to a time where I can actually enjoy it and I just focus on driving.


Anything disrespectful, dumb and egotistical. Lack of common sense and situational awareness too. Basically, the inability to behave properly in ordinary traffic scenarios and to predict them.

In Rio every now and then it happens. Sadly, a lot of the victims are children.

And that’s more than enough for me nowadays too.

Pilot here. That’s pretty much a spin and 100% human error, totally avoidable. I guess the fellow pilot was too busy getting flustered with his other task and forgot the main one which is to fly the damn plane, loss of situational awareness is a bitch.

If you reach a point where you’re so comfortable flying that

I’m not talking about this particular unreliable piece of metal, which I couldn’t care less.

You can keep being whimsical all you want, it won’t change the latter fact, sorry. Guess it’s time to go back to Jezabel and check the latest celebrity gossip, also make sure to write an essay about skin color to a complete stranger in a pointless discussion.

Or we could just sum up as simply being a retard.