I would take a 997 over a 992 or this over a current X6 anyday. Know quite a few enthusiasts who would do the same for similar reasons, so spare us of your passive-aggressive meaningless stupidity, just like 90% of your discussion feed.
I would take a 997 over a 992 or this over a current X6 anyday. Know quite a few enthusiasts who would do the same for similar reasons, so spare us of your passive-aggressive meaningless stupidity, just like 90% of your discussion feed.
I can’t imagine someone unironically punching their steering wheel or flipping the bird because a traffic light is taking too long, lmao. These guys are fucking degenerates.
This is my favorite gen. I don’t know about you guys, but for me almost every mid 2000's/2010's cars have a sweet spot when it comes to design, they’re just perfect. Not too aggressive, not too futuristic and not trying to be something they’re not. And of course, most engines of this era are just amazing.
Thanks for summarizing it, no way in hell I would watch a 20 min video from these corny and contrived ~~youtubers~~
As someone who’s still driving a good n’ old diesel powered second gen Montero to this day, it’s sad to see what Mitsubishi has become, but at least they’re slowly getting better (I hope). Also, of all the brands, their social media game is probably the worst that i’ve ever seen, I tried to contact them in every…
This. Simply this.
Same here. ACC, iRacing and AMS2 are the pinnacle of simulation for me, don’t even care about the rest.
That extension seems cool, always thought about getting one :)))
My 1993 is also a manual and honestly it’s one of the best manual transmissions that i’ve ever used in my life, the clutch is super light and it goes through gears like butter.
I have a 2012 and a 1993, both diesel. What a machine, period. Better than any Wrangler, Explorer, 4Runner, piece of shit Range Rover, etc. Too bad it was discontinued in the US. For me, it’s the quintessential SUV.
SICK! Never heard about it before.
When I lived in Portugal a friend used a 1998 C280 as a daily (he went to Spain a lot with it), the car had a little more than 600k miles and the clutch was stock.
I find super weird how the modern society (especially in the US) revolves around simplistic stereotypes, as if you couldn’t be X or do Y because of certain normal phases of life or aspects of your professional/personal life. Unless you’re a Boomer, of course.
Sort of!
And fun fact, it turns itself into a totally flat bed. You can camp on a Twingo ;)
I drove a Ka XR 1.6 (the hot hatch version of it) in Brazil some time ago. Boy, that car was freaking awesome, perfect combination between cheap and fun.
I drove a Twingo once and it’s fucking awesome, the interior is HUGE for a tiny car and overall the road feel is great, suspension is perfectly tunned too.
The first gen with the 1.8 engine was acutally a pretty good car and had the same interior as the european Corsa. But the current one is definitely a POS, let alone the 1.4 engine.
LOL, definitely. The “new” ASX or the Eclipse Cross are just plain sad appliances on wheels.
Better than most of their cars nowadays.