Ph.D in 'tang

He didn’t get ejected because the Patriots, and the vast majority of Patriot fans, are elitist douchecanoes.

I have an ‘03 Tundra SR5. 223K. Running like a champ.

Gawd damn, man...

14) Any and all Patriot games.

Religion is the scourge of a prolific society.

Exactly what I was thinking. China gives zero fucks.

You need more to do during your day.

My mother has a ‘98 Mazda Miata. Same color. Always garaged. She bought it brand new and even keeps it covered in the garage.

What’s Turtle doing there?

Here’s to being super excited for the next year of articles!

Then log off and take your break. No one cares about your pleas for attention and validation.

A highly-touted recruit has never chosen to play college football at Kansas. It’s more of a college you choose to attend because your girlfriend is going there and, figure, “hell, while I’m here I might as well stay active to stay in shape. Look at this! Intramural football!!”

This is China. They give exactly zero fucks about personal injury liability.

Solid take, amigo. Star for you.

Honestly...who cares? It’s a commercial. We don’t all need to be so sensitive.

I can see the Trumpishness pouring out of you as you bang on the keyboard.

I smoke my eggs when I do brisket to make smoked deviled eggs and I have found that the further back from the heat source I put the eggs, the more difficult they are to peel. The closer they get, easier to peel, but more they crack.

I scoff at both your TN and WI claims and offer up Kansas to defeat both of you. There is no worse place to interact with other drivers than Kansas. Slow, left lane, and dumbshit Republicans as well.

Bummed. Can’t listen to podcasts in meetings when I’m supposed to be paying attention.