
Mike Pence is actually very different than Donald Trump. Say what you will about his strict policies, but the man is principled. By avoiding the appearance of impropriety at all, despite how weird it seems (given there are situations by pure coincidence one might end up alone with someone of the opposite sex), I think

Best way to avoid nude photos from being spread on the Internet: do not take nude photos. Really quite simple. 

Correct...according to you...who must know everything.

What is the goal of this article? Is it to suggest that we, as citizens of a society, should remove God completely and this would somehow make us better, nicer people?

Vague generalized statements don’t help to improve the discourse and fix the problem. Try again with something intelligent.

Studies often don’t reflect reality, because the same size is not large enough, or there is some other mitigating factor. What I’ve stated makes economic sense, and the “studies” you’ve cited simply don’t. If employers could arbitrarily raise wages with no harmful effects to anyone, no company would have ever chosen

Most economists would never endorse increasing the minimum wage, because the effects of doing it are more harmful than not doing it. “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Sound familiar? Raising wages, the largest cost to virtually all employers, creates a reaction in the form of higher prices.

I’m not endorsing by any stretch that women aren’t the equal of men, but why do you suppose men have been so dominant in the history of the world if indeed men and women are equals? Curious for thoughts...

It’s not important to me, and I put the caveat “as far as I know” on my statement. Thanks for the education. Not that I would care any more about a “men’s day” than I do about a “women’s day.”

Or maybe, Trump is right. How would you know?

Why, exactly, do we have “International Women’s Day?” That’s pretty much like celebrating how the sun rises each day. Yes, I realize in some places women are oppressed. I realize in America women formerly were not able to vote. That was 100 years ago. I think it is abundantly obvious that women are awesome, incredibly

Super well said. You covered all the bases.

I would be remiss if I came over to this site and did not see an article every day insulting the President in some way. So it came as no surprise that there was an article today putting down his speech last night. If you watched it, what he said made pretty good sense. Whether it happens or not remains to be seen.

Good answer. I don’t agree with everything you say, but well written.

You’re giving this truck way too much credit. No doubt, its a nice ride...but it is still seriously lagging behind Ford. It is slower, hauls a whole lot less, and inexplicably the HD GM trucks still cannot get LED exterior lighting for any price like the 1500 GM trucks can...while Ford Super Duty trucks drive around

Why bother to even go to a press event for a Compass?

What motivates you guys to fight so hard for people you have never met, and are coming from terrorist-harboring countries? Surely it isn’t altruism. I’ve never understood the love for Muslims the left holds - they oppress their women and have zero tolerance for LBGT people.

The left claims they are so tolerant, but this site spews as much hate as any. “Rotted pumpkin?” My gosh, if Trump was a democrat installing a Cabinet full of Prius-driving gays and lesbians, he’d be your hero! Just because you don’t approve of policy, different viewpoints ARE OK. Somewhere, there is middle ground.

Nobody is perfect. This is a very complex situation and most of the current leaders don’t have a lot of experience. Lack of experience does not necessarily make one “bad” but rather can bring fresh perspectives. If at first you don’t succeed, try again.

I’m sure on this site I’ll be crucified for saying this, but I have no problem with the concept of “Extreme Vetting.” It seems very clear that the countries in question are at the heart of the fertile ground for terrorist-breeding, and why should these folks come over based upon credentials only validated by