
Why are we supposed to feel bad for people that knew of potential consequences but acted despite them and lost their jobs? Are they supposed to be regarded as heroes? These protests are completely stupid. “Immigrants” can still come to America legally, same as they always could. Why are American citizens going on

I think the answer is that GM needed some way to show off their new, more powerful Duramax. I seriously doubt there is much difference in air intake temps between the fender intake and hood intake. A hard climb is going to really heat the engine, which heats the hood...plus the sun baking down. Yes, you have airflow

Here’s what I don’t understand. Ford has the exhaust vents, GM has the exhaust vents, RAM doesn’t seem to. Why?

Both Ford’s 2.7L EcoBoost and 3.5L EcoBoost trucks have completed the Baja 1000 in stock engine form. I think that indicates these engines can deal with sand and dirt.

Look under the hood of the F-150 2.7L EcoBoost. Even with twin turbos, there is *tons* of room under the hood. Yeah, the 3.5L is more crowded...but the 2.7L is a dream to work on, should you need to.

The early ones would not be my cup of tea. Really, the 1991 and later models would be best - they are much more comfortable, and loaded with more features, and a tiny bit more power.

I have the Gen-2 Ford tailgate step on my 2017 Super Duty. It is a great feature. With it stowed, you have no idea it is even there. Deploying it takes about 5 seconds of your time:

Power windows were available in these things from the factory for awhile now. Just never in the US, although it can be retrofitted.

Wouldn’t surprise me if the owner was behind on payments working for a lousy company like Tesla that cannot turn a profit if its life depended on it.

Andrew, have you driven a 2017 Super Duty much? The steering is extremely heavy compared to both the current F-150 and the previous Super Duty. The first thing most people comment on is how heavy the steering is. But after driving it a bit, it feels great down the road.

Very interesting article. Thanks for posting the Trump voter thoughts. Most of them make perfect sense.

Its a valid point, but a reasonable person understands policy is dynamic. It has to be. The CEO of a car company might promise to never stop building large pickup trucks in one year, but if the next year fuel prices rise unexpectedly...it wouldn’t make sense to keep that promise, despite it being stated with good

Maintenance costs are widely used in the marketing of automobiles. Long oil change intervals seemingly benefit consumers...but when you add in programs like ToyotaCare of VW CareFree Maintenance it also benefits the manufacturer.

Mercedes had the same problem with their 3.2L V6 starting in the 1998 Mercedes ML / E-Class cars. OLM went too long and sludged the engines, ruining bearings. Mercedes claimed the problem was the OLM was programmed for a full-synthetic oil but literature stated half-syn blend. End result - a lot of junked engines.

Turbo engines have rings which are designed to fully seat in the ring-land under full cylinder pressure. Tight rings tend to wear under full pressure, so newer designs use rings that can actually move slightly. They scrape tightly under full pressure and less so under light throttle load conditions.

Your numbers may be correct, but engine replacement is an “all at once” cost vs a small cost of an oil change. I cannot think of any consumer who would rather pay $50 every 5k miles or 5k all at once. Not to mention, if you use your vehicle for work, engines aren’t changed in the “Qwik Lube” bay. It usually is several

You’re getting way too upset. Comcast truck in the road, flashing lights are on, cones are out. If you couldn’t see the truck and slow down in time, you’re driving way too fast for conditions. Leave these guys alone. They are doing their job.

Rover V8 was GM.

And you think this is going to happen now when its been going on for years under the Obama administration?

Do you realize how silly your side has become? You’re “afraid” of Donald Trump, you’re “terrified” of Tomi Lahren, you need “safe zones,” you need “trigger warnings,” etc, etc. Anything that is not inline with your particular construct of society is some kind of monster. Relax, take a deep breath, and realize the sun