
An inline-six is possible in a front-wheel drive vehicle...see Volvo S80 and XC90 vehicles.

Yeah, Mayer didn’t seem to do much for Yahoo’s fortunes. But they took her on, knowing the price and the final payouts, pass or fail. Its hard to blame her - she pretty much positioned herself as a highly valuable person - instead, blame the folks that agreed to pay her that much. I’m not opposed to high compensation

THAAD is not exactly reliable technology.

I think the desire to use is pretty well earned. The NK threat has been discussed for years by world leaders, US included. Even if NK cannot currently hit the US, it is well beside the point. Not long ago, they couldn’t build a nuclear weapon. Now they can, and their entire effort is now being able to shoot their

The house is on fire. How long it burns before we are forced to do something is anyone’s guess...but NK has nukes, is spending all their money on making them work better, and really doesn’t have much to lose. I’d think strongly of leaving the house rather than hope the fire burns itself out.

Bad logic. During housefires, pets such as cats and dogs often do not want to leave the burning house. They hide under beds or behind furniture. They feel safe because “at the moment” nothing is happening and they are in their familiar protective environment. Eventually, they feel the heat of the flames and make a

This is a super-honest and super true comment. Thanks very much for your post.

Iraq didn’t have nukes. North Korea has proven they do. What you say about war costs is true, but offset partly by increased GDP from the war machine ramping up. So would you rather end up with more debt / taxes or a nuclear strike on a major US city...or even a major nuclear strike on an ally like South Korea or

Interesting article. Some very valid points. Here’s a quote from you that I disagree with, and most other folks would as well:

“Trump doesn’t have any particular incentive to bomb North Korea or advocate for regime change in the country.”

That is simply not true. The incentive to bomb North Korea is the fact that they

This new truck seems very nice and I think could actually overtake Cadillac once again. I do have to take a little issue with your thoughts on the previous Navigator. 2007-2014 was an abomination. Horribly ugly on the outside, and a horribly cheap and outdated interior on the inside...combined with the trusty but

Trump’s #1 concern should be the American people. What we’ve been doing for years now is sitting in the pot while the heat is gradually turned higher and higher. We should be exceedingly alarmed that North Korea has the single goal of developing nuclear warheads to be fitted to missiles capable of reaching the United

Jones is extreme. But *stating* “I hope so and so has this [this bad thing] happen to them” hardly makes you unstable or dangerous. How many here told their friends on last November 9 that they wished “Trump was run over by a bus, etc, etc?” I don’t know the personal goings on in the Jones household. I do know how

This is terrible. The kids that did that to her will have to live with this for the rest of their lives. I’m sure they didn’t mean for death to be the result, but this is sad.

I’m sorry to read this story, condolences to the family. A terrible tragedy.

Really cool. I like it. Nicely differentiated from the Expedition. Plenty of power and torque. I think it will do well. Lincoln can be the new cool on the block again, just like Caddy has done.

We’ll see how different from the Expedition it is. The exterior styling of the 2018 Expedition looks just kind of “meh” and the interior dashboard is a near clone of the 2015 F-150. That’s not a bad thing, necessarily, it’s just that this design is pretty familiar to a bunch of people by now. I will give credit to

Wow, time to slam a successful woman. I don’t get you guys. You march for equality, but when you come across a very intelligent, successful, beautiful woman...jealousy rears its ugly head?

Get a life, Drew. Now there is a protocol for how you dress when you meet with military officials? And its YOUR job to put someone down that doesn’t fit what you and the rest of the libtards think is appropriate? You’d think you might actually report on something relevant. Who cares? Come on, now. Think for yourself.

Could Jeep possibly choose an uglier rim for this concept?

Is this article written to insult Bezos for being rich (or “petty”) or to insult the Post or to insult Trump? People, understand something. There are always going to be rich people. That’s life. Be satisfied with what you have, and stop thinking the world is going to change and take the money of the rich and give it